
ially prepared for the base.

It was also the base that won the bid for these items. After the auction, Deli Auction House will send the corresponding items from the Iridia star field to the base with the transport ship. Similarly, Qia City won the bid for the base. The items nearby are also sent to Chia City via transport ships.
Deli Auction House has set up a channel to connect two distant places, allowing the base to directly exchange some valuable items for credits or other things in the fastest way.
David watched the auction with some boredom. None of the items impressed him so far.
He regretted coming to the auction, it was a waste of his time.
“The item being auctioned next has a legendary story. The person involved in the story is at the auction. He is Master David, a powerful sniper master who personally killed level three Zerg!” Beryl raised her voice. said loudly.
Then a beam of light shone on David, making David’s whole body particularly eye-catching.
David did not expect that Deli Auction House would introduce himself in this way. This would completely erase the contributions of the three extraordinary people. Although he would not have any trouble based on his relationship with the three extraordinary people, Deli Auction House’s behavior But it will cause trouble for him.
Under the light, David looked at Beryl, and a figure with a psychologically coercive and terrifying aura appeared in the auction hall of the Deli Auction House headquarters in Chia City through virtual projection technology.
Beryl felt chills all over her body and a look of fear on her face. It was hard to imagine that just a virtual projection would give her such a feeling. What would it be like if a real person was present.
She regretted coming up with such an introduction method. Exaggerating the facts has always been a common method used by auction houses. The more exaggerated, the more people’s curiosity will be aroused. Controversy will greatly increase the value of the item.
“Broken!” David looked away, looked up at the spotlight above his head, and said in a deep voice.
/The spotlight nearly ten meters away went out in response to his words, and his figure returned to darkness again.
David had just activated his ‘High Frequency Sound Wave’ talent, and it was easy to deal with the ten-meter spotlight.
David sat down, thinking that he had ruined the publicity of Deli Auction House and would make the specimen of the ‘Cyclops Beetle’, the auction item below, not taken seriously.
But who would have expected that just after he sat down, warm applause erupted from all around, not only from the scene, but also from the Qiya City General Auction Hall.
Who is most admired in the Interstellar Federation is not the amount of wealth or the size of his official position, but the strong one.
Every citizen of the Interstellar Federation will have an important choice when he is young, that is, whether to become a soldier. Almost every citizen wants to become a soldier.
Although becoming a soldier requires talent, it is precisel