
he comes back.

he comes back.
Barkley is a staunch Laker fan, and this will be the view of most fans.
After all, although fans may not be able to consider everything Gu Yi analyzed, they can still think of quite a few.
Smith and Johnson were analyzing the uncertainty of the Lakers.
This program also quickly became popular all over the Internet.
Fans followed Barkley and the others and began to speculate wildly about which team Sun Hao would choose to return to.
Moreover, TNT struck while the iron was hot and even conducted voting statistics online.
The results showed that the Lakers’ vote rate was as high as 90%.
His mentor Nelson and his “fanboy” Durant are considered to have a certain attraction to Sun Hao.
Some of the remaining teams received even lower votes.
In other words, the media and fans also feel that Sun Hao will only come back with the Lakers.
Back to the Lakers.
They had a rough time in free agency.
The main reason is that no team can take Marion’s contract alone.
Even a team that is rebuilding cannot have that much space.
Because the NBA has a poverty line, which is about 90% of the salary cap.
Marion’s contract is a maximum salary, close to 30% of the salary cap.
This is very difficult to operate.
Among these teams, there are teams that are relatively easy to operate.
Pacers in the East, and Warriors in the West.
The main players of these two teams are rookies, and there are few big contracts, making them relatively easy to operate.
This is also the Lakers’ main target in the free market.
However, the Warriors directly rejected the Lakers.
The Warriors are now competing for playoff qualification. To put it bluntly, they are on the same level as the Lakers.
How could it eat up the other party’s contract and then make the other party stronger?
However, the Pacers did not refuse, and even launched in-depth negotiations with the Lakers.
However, judging from the rumors that broke out, it is not that the Birds are any better than Jerry West, but that he simply wants to take advantage of the situation!
All in all, the Lakers’ trade did not go smoothly.
Sun Hao’s comeback with the Lakers is much more difficult than expected, and it seems that he will have to delay it for some time.
On this day, an uninvited guest came to Sun Hao’s home.
“Logo Man” Jerry West and Nelson.
They just said they came to visit Sun Hao, and then took a look at Little Beijing and brought some gifts.
One was a Lakers star and the other was his former mentor, so Sun Hao naturally couldn’t refuse.
After watching Little Beijing, the two took Sun Hao to chat in the living room.
/“I heard that you are planning to come back?”
After sitting down, West also got straight to the point.
Sun Hao nodded.
Stern mentioned his comeback to the league committee, and the management of the league’s 30 teams must be aware of it.
/There’s nothing to hide.
“I know you will definitely come back with the Lakers.”
West continued.
Sun Hao didn’t say anything, just smiled.
West is trying to trick