
gearing up and want to try out what kind of effect it will have if Han Xuan is used as an advertisement.

gearing up and want to try out what kind of effect it will have if Han Xuan is used as an advertisement.
A large wave of invitations are now heading towards the Snow Mountain Ranch.
Han Qianshan in the ice and snow is probably going to be in trouble again.
The reporters listened to the advice of their American colleagues and learned the motto: Wherever Han Xuan is, the ultimate news will be there. He is someone who will never lack topics.
Not long after they arrived at Aston Martin Motor Company, the news came by itself!
These reporters are going to piss themselves laughing!
The microphone was directly poked into the employee’s mouth, asking him to tell Han Xuan’s true face, how cruel and inhumane he was, and how heartless Han Xuan was
. Han Xuan had no time to pay attention to them.
Jason brought the documents found from Jude’s house, and the guy even set a password.
The ledger records Aston Martin’s detailed income and expenditure over the past two years, exactly like the ledger in his mind.
The people at the tax bureau couldn’t find any problems, so Han Xuan naturally wouldn’t waste time on it.
He stared intently at the sheepskin-covered notebook in his hand, mostly writing numbers, and the 26 English letters were in a mess.
I stared at it for five minutes, and my head felt dizzy.
Han Xuan is very smart.
But mathematics is his shortcoming.
He knew that this encryption method would not be too difficult, but given Jude’s IQ, it would be too difficult to design it.
Decryption is like a crossword puzzle in a newspaper. You can understand it if you know the rules.
After reading it for a few more minutes, I could even recite this thick book of unordered numbers and words verbatim, but I just couldn’t sort them.
After trying several methods but unable to fix it, Han Xuan made a gesture to make a phone call, and Gabriel immediately gave him the phone.
HOPE Technology Company has the world’s top mathematicians.
/Calculating the time difference, it should still be night in Silicon Valley now. By the time Christopher finds them to answer his question, the comments of the employees outside will probably be published in the newspapers.
This is still an era where whatever the newspapers say will be whatever it is. By then, even if you jump into the Thames, you won’t be able to wash your mind.
Speaking of mathematics, Han Xuan suddenly thought of someone.
When Isabelle first came to school, she loved crossword puzzles the most, but she lost interest after two days because after finishing several books, she found that no word could trouble her.
In order to test the authenticity of her words, Principal Gregorian once asked Isabelle to spell out the chemical composition name of “Tryptophan Synthase A Protein” consisting of 189,819 letters.
Isabelle read for three hours!
She was fine. The old principal lay in bed for a whole day before getting out of bed. During this period, he vomited six times. The doctor said that he had symptoms similar to a concussion, which was caused