
ayer of blood mist. This is the last light before nightfall.

ayer of blood mist. This is the last light before nightfall.
In a narrow alleyway between dense buildings somewhere, Luo Qiao was walking slowly while holding a Bagua Feng Shui plate in his hand. His bright eyes looked left and right, looking up and down, as if he was exploring something. .
“Hey! It’s so annoying! How could someone catch up with me?” Luo Qiao happened to come to a crossroads at this time. He stood there for a while, glanced at the direction where the other three roads extended, and said with a He said in an impatient tone, “Really, after all, my aunt is also a junior, and she actually wants to listen to a sophomore yelling at her. What’s the matter? If the president hadn’t told me repeatedly, I would have slapped him!”
Nothing! He spat figuratively and walked towards the fork on the left.
Suddenly, the pointer on the Bagua Feng Shui plate shook violently, and it pointed at a certain point. Luo Qiao immediately cast his sharp gaze in the direction pointed by the pointer. Then he took out a talisman with an eye painted on it and offered it as a sacrifice. After a while, Luo Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and said, “It turns out to be a curse! I’ll just tell you.” Then he continued to move along the road.
And in a hidden dark place, the pseudo-Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and muttered in his heart: “This stinky bitch was so shocked that she was sweating. She thought she was discovered.” Then, a pair of blood-red vertical pupils appeared in the pseudo-Naruto’s eyes. There was a flash of cold light, but soon he shook his head again and said secretly: “No, it’s not the time to start here yet. These Chinese people don’t know why they are not afraid of the curse. If they destroy the houses in the city and release the curse, then But it’s not going to be good. I’d better follow her like this first, and then wait for an opportunity to strike.”
At this time, Jiuwei’s voice rang, saying: “You brat, be careful of fraud! I always feel that something is wrong.” False cry The man didn’t take it seriously and said: “A real man, a real man (no problem). What kind of deceit can there be? They don’t know that I am chasing after them. Unless there is a traitor on our side. But this is impossible.” Although the fake call People have always said that Zhuge Lian is a spy and colluded with Yin Kuang, but these are all nonsense. In fact, he does not think Zhuge Lian is a spy from the bottom of his heart. Firstly, he really looked down on the Chinese people, and secondly, he couldn’t think of any advantages to Zhuge’s series of enemies. On the contrary, there were a lot of disadvantages!
In this way, Fake Naruto patiently followed him like a shadow.
/While the pseudo-Naruto was following behind, Luo Qiao complained while conducting reconnaissance on the city. In fact, he also used mental communication to communicate with Bei Dao and others, “Damn it! That guy didn’t even do anything, but even… Follow me vigorously. He missed such a good opportunity, what on earth is this guy doing?” The so-called