
ground. Leave the whole body!” After saying that, he turned the horse’s head and left.

ground. Leave the whole body!” After saying that, he turned the horse’s head and left.
“Yes, General!”
So, a few Flying Bear Army soldiers dragged Yin Kuang to
the jungle not far away. The sky was clear and white clouds were lingering.
In the southwest corner of Chang’an City, in the majestic Weiyang Palace Hall, Dong Zhuo and his close friends, civil servants and generals, were discussing matters. There are no officials loyal to the Han Dynasty, such as Wang Yun, Yang Biao, Zhu Jun, etc. At this time, although Dong Zhuo had not yet sat on the high platform and dragon couch in the main hall, he openly used the main hall as the meeting place for his Xiliang army, and his wolfish ambitions were clearly revealed.
Li Ru said to Dong Zhuo: “My lord, those corrupt ministers who are still loyal to the Han Dynasty are actually the biggest obstacle to my lord’s ascension to the throne. My lord should make a decision early on.” This matter was the most annoying and helpless thing for Dong Zhuo. Those guys are like the stones in the latrine, smelly and hard. However, they have a great reputation, and behind them are many powerful noble families. If he kills them, it will definitely anger the noble clans and make them share the same hatred and form an alliance to deal with Dong Zhuo.
The energy of these powerful families far exceeded Dong Zhuo’s imagination.
/In the past, Dong Zhuo didn’t care about anything and acted arbitrarily, so he was very happy. But when he got the jade seal and was ready to become an emperor, he realized that becoming an emperor was not that easy. First of all, without the support of the noble family, even if he became the emperor, he would still be a mere commander. Because there is no one to help him govern the huge world. You must know that nine out of ten educated people today come from wealthy families, and the remaining 10 to 20 percent of students from poor families do not look down on him, Dong Zhuo. Even Li Ru was exchanged for his daughter. Do we still expect a group of warriors who only know how to kill to rule the world? So now Dong Zhuo is very angry.
Why is it so difficult for our family to become an emperor? If you make our family angry, we will castrate all the men of you noble family, take off all the women’s clothes, throw them on our bed and stab them to death, hum!
Li Ru raised his eyes and glanced at Dong Zhuo, whose face was trembling with fat. He waved his hand to someone to bring a small cart of bamboo slips and said: “My lord, it describes Chang’an and the powerful surnames in all states in the world. I have been sorting it out for several days.” “Li Ru also knew that Dong Zhuo was definitely not interested in this, so he picked up the top bamboo slip and said, “My lord, here are some suggestions on how to deal with noble surnames. Please take a look, my lord.”
Dong Zhuo’s eyes lit up. , “Bring it here quickly.” Dong Zhuo shook open the bamboo slips, glanced at it with two swollen eyes, and saw that it was written on how to deal with the Li family, how to win o