
on his thin glasses, he turned out to be Wang Ning!

on his thin glasses, he turned out to be Wang Ning!
“Did you know it was me?” Wang Ning, with a stern expression, licked his dry lips and said as calmly as water.
Tang Rouyu smiled coldly and said: “Wang Ning, playing disguise in front of me, Tang Rouyu, is actually no different from playing with a sword in front of Guan Gong. Do you know why? It’s just because my surname is Tang.” When the surname Tang was mentioned, Tang Rouyu couldn’t help but think. He raised his head and pushed out his plump breasts, looking extremely proud.
“Tang?” Wang Ning frowned slightly.
“Haha!” Tang Rouyu couldn’t help laughing and said: “Prince Ning, Prince Ning, you claim to be a new star in the world of killers, but don’t you even know what the surname Tang represents? Then, I really doubt it. , how did you get the title of ‘King Ning’?” Finally
, Wang Ning’s face became very embarrassed, as green as rusty bronze.
“Are you from the Tang clan?”
“Although it is not comparable to Li Shuangmu’s lower position in the Li family, it is not much different.” Tang Rouyu undoubtedly recognized her identity and said: “Then, Prince Ning, in Lin Do you have anything else to say before you die?”
Wang Ning was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, holding his stomach as if he was about to fall down laughing. The cheerful and disdainful laughter echoed around, sounding particularly harsh.
“Before you die? When you say death, do you mean me?” Wang Ning pointed at his nose and asked. Although the smile on his mouth stopped, the smile in his eyes was even worse.
/The corner of Tang Rouyu’s mouth twitched a few times, and then she said: “Wang Ning, just laugh. I’ll see how long you can stay proud.” ”
Okay, okay, I won’t laugh.” Wang Ning waved his hand and said: “My time is very precious, I don’t have time to chat with you here.” His tone became calm, and then a black stream of light appeared strangely in his hand, and it turned out to be his weapon “Black Tiger”!
The surface of the pitch-black dagger seemed to be surrounded by a faint black mist. He didn’t know whether he used the dagger originally or exchanged it after coming to the university.
“By the way, I’ll just talk nonsense with you again.” Wang Ning pushed up his glasses and raised the corners of his mouth, “I’m very curious. It seems that you already knew that I would come here? Do you mind explaining it?”
Tang Rouyu and Ouyang Mu stepped forward, blocking the other girls behind them.
As Tang Rouyu’s hands shook slightly, she saw two flashes of silver light, and two cold, strange-shaped flying knives were clamped between her slender white fingers, “Humph! You will know the answer soon. Xiaoyun, You take everyone and hide in the private room, leave this place to us.”
Qi Xiaoyun and others also knew that they could not help, so they quickly retreated into the aisle.
Wang Ning looked at them playfully and said hehe: “No matter how you hide, you can’t escape the kiss of the black bear, which the principal calls the ‘scythe of death.'” After making peace, Wan