
is website could make money from the beginning, in order to occupy the market share in advance and bind the user group. If the school offers free shipping in the future, it will definitely lead to the bankruptcy of HOPE Technology Company.

is website could make money from the beginning, in order to occupy the market share in advance and bind the user group. If the school offers free shipping in the future, it will definitely lead to the bankruptcy of HOPE Technology Company.
He felt that there was something wrong with his idea. This website should focus on selling high-priced goods in the early stage.
Only in this way can customers not care about the shipping costs and feel that buying things online is cheaper than buying in physical stores, thereby attracting them to spend.
The products on the GG shopping network are all stored in the logistics warehouse of the SOS Group, with a complete range of products. If you want to save money, you can also let customers package and buy them, which is counted as the same express delivery.
Tell old Charlie about this idea.
/Han Xuan continued: “Replace all the products on the homepage that are less than one hundred dollars, and replace them with digital products, high-end luxury goods, etc. that customers usually want, but think the price is high and cannot afford to sell them.
Record the sales volume of each product , whatever sells more, give it priority.
Re-negotiate the purchase amount with the suppliers, increase the batch size, and ask them to lower the ex-factory price. In recent times, shopping websites have focused on mid-to-high-end products.
Don’t I specially take care of my family’s products and be fair in the placement of advertising space.
Otherwise, attracting private merchants to settle in the future will cause trouble for them to think that GG Shopping Network favors internal products, and customers will also feel resentful. Isn’t it like
this? , I will go to Los Angeles tomorrow and write you a detailed plan.
You have someone come over to get it and give it to the sales department to discuss the feasibility. Tell me if there is anything you need to add.”
“Okay, where to get it, Snow Mountain Investment Company headquarters?” Old Charlie asked.
“Okay, let’s go somewhere. I’ll tell you the specific time tomorrow. Copy the company’s software on a CD-ROM and send it to the Snow Mountain Ranch.”
/Anya listened to him quietly. Most of them were confused and unclear, but among them She would definitely understand a sentence.
When Han Xuan hung up the phone, he asked: “Are you going to Los Angeles tomorrow?”
“Well, let’s go there. I’ll leave this afternoon. I have something to do over there. If you want to play here, you can wait for me to come back. If you don’t want to stay, If you’re at the Snow Mountain Ranch, I’ll take you to the Maldives, where my parents are.”
Han Xuan was still thinking in the morning whether he should go see the old man Jeremiah, that bitch.
Now this matter has become the straw that breaks his psychological balance, and he is more inclined to go there.
The importance of the GG shopping website lies in its ability to make money. Whether it is selling advertising space or supporting the payment software currently being developed in the future,