
turned to the last page, looked at his portrait, closed his eyes, and was surprised to find that his appearance at this moment actually appeared in his mind. .

turned to the last page, looked at his portrait, closed his eyes, and was surprised to find that his appearance at this moment actually appeared in his mind. .
He thought for a while, and his body suddenly began to grow taller and bigger. At this time, he saw that the appearance of the young man in the book began to change with the change of his actual body shape.
“What, what is the truth…” I originally wanted to After the survivors of the ‘Tudenan’ tribe tricked them out of the human ‘gathering place’, Zhang Lisheng, who was killed easily, was heartbroken and immediately gave up the idea of ????killing people to silence them.
This strange and magical tribal history is based on the mysterious According to a certain law in the law, he identifies himself as the ‘Guardian of Tudenan’. If he kills Tudenan people without any reason, it is hard to imagine what consequences will occur.
He has always believed that ‘the unknown is the most terrifying’ For Zhang Lisheng, he obviously felt that this risk was not worth taking.
After thinking about it. Holding the tribal history in his hands, the young man suddenly asked in a low voice: “What happened to the Tudenan tribe?” of catastrophe. Isn’t this historical book always very precious and enshrined by the tribal leaders? How come you are allowed to carry it around like this? ”
We were sneak attacked by the ‘Lu Yami’ tribe from across the island, great guardian,” the indigenous leader knelt on the ground, buried his head in the soil, and roared through gritted teeth, looking humble and humble: “The leader died in the battle.” , after the tribe’s totem pole fell. Soaked in the ‘Tudenan Blood Pool’ by the Luami people.
I was ordered to flee at the last moment with the history of the tribe and continue the inheritance of Tudenan…”
“You mean you are the only ones left in the ‘Tudenan tribe’ now?
“Maybe there are other escapees out there. ” But it won’t be too many. Since we are defeated, most of the captured Tudenans will naturally become members of the ‘Luami’ tribe. As for the stubborn resisters, their heads should have been chopped off by now. “Seemingly aware that the guardian kneeling in front of him did not know much about the ancient customs of the ‘Hellmen’, the native leader explained in detail.
“Then what do you want me to do now?
“I hope you, I hope you can take back the totem pole of our Tudenan people and protect the survivors of our tribe to erect a totem on a desolate uninhabited island somewhere. ”
Inspired by the totem, the surviving Tudenan people will naturally come to join us. ”
/It’s so simple to take back Tudenan’s totem pole,” Zhang Lisheng thought for a while and then asked, “Then how many people do you think are guarding it?”
“‘Lu Yami’ attacked ‘Tudenan’ to take away the land we depend on for survival. Now the Tudenan Valley has become the habitat of their tribe. The blood pool of the dirty totem pole should be in the center of the valley. ” With the help of your friends who can fly, you should be able to take it back quietly