
e had too many hormones in her body after pregnancy, or maybe she felt anxious as the wedding day approached. In short, her Not in a good mood.

e had too many hormones in her body after pregnancy, or maybe she felt anxious as the wedding day approached. In short, her Not in a good mood.
In recent days, Han Xuan has ignored business matters. In fact, there are not many things that he needs to do personally in the process of preparing for the wedding. People have taken care of it for him.
Today, he took a break from his busy schedule and went rafting with his bodyguards. He gave up the oars and drifted with the tide, which was a way of regulating his emotions. As the wedding day approached day by day, he felt nervous, and Anya’s belly was getting bigger and he couldn’t continue to drag it out. Well, I was so excited when I was discussing it with the old man and the others, and now I regret making the decision so early.
Old Barton stayed at HIBS for more than a month before returning. Now there are people pushing his wheelchair every day to take him around. Old John’s son, Little John, suddenly had a conflict with his wife and got divorced. He gave up his high-paying job in the city. Returning to the Snow Mountain Ranch again, this place seems to be magical and makes people reluctant to leave.
Jigglypuff, the little donkey McDull, Winnie the Pooh, the Alaskan Malamute Snoopy, the blue and black tiger Obama and other pets went out in a group this morning and ran off to play somewhere unknown. Martinez followed them, so he did not worry about safety issues.
In recent days, many guests have arrived, such as friends in Silicon Valley, friends on Wall Street, friends in Washington, etc. The President will not come until tomorrow. Also arriving tomorrow will be the Pope, who has long lived in the Vatican. , many heads of state will also be present, and the scene must be very lively. The reporters have been excited for a long time, and they keep rushing to the snow mountain pasture. This pasture has not been as lively as it has been recently in hundreds of years.
/Mr. Gregorian, the former president of Brown University, also came, as did Isabelle, Ramirez, and Harris, three of Han Xuan’s roommates at the university. This time, more than 10,000 invitations were sent out in total. It took a week just to make the list. Han Xuan wrote one, the old man wrote one, and his parents and grandpa all invited guests. Anya also invited several friends and teachers at school. Come and join in.
There are a lot of planes today, many of them private planes, and there will probably be even more tomorrow. Han Xuan, who is so busy that he doesn’t want to talk much, can’t stay at home anymore. He is always busy with social activities. He hid in the resort. At this
moment, he opened his eyes and looked at the white clouds above his head.
The wind felt very comfortable on my body, and my feet were soaked in the cool, clean river water. From time to time, fish jumped out of the water. An extremely large red carp, more than one meter long, swam to Han Xuan’s side. The bodyguards Recognizing this carp that settled in Lake Luota, I smiled and threw some food to it.
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