
eturned from his vacation in Cerralvo Island and came to perform free performances for more than 700 underage children in several orphanages in Los Angeles. It seems that this The guy still has a conscience and doesn’t spend it all on women.

eturned from his vacation in Cerralvo Island and came to perform free performances for more than 700 underage children in several orphanages in Los Angeles. It seems that this The guy still has a conscience and doesn’t spend it all on women.
Last night, they went to visit the historic Olvera Street Posadas Parade. After returning home, they received a visit from Santa Claus and Grandma Santa. This is a weird Christmas that happens every year in Beverly Hills. grandmother.
There are many things going on at the end of the year, and countless invitations were recently sent to the Xueshan Group headquarters. The secretariat made a list in order of importance and gave it to Secretary Dawson.
At this time, Dawson handed it over to the little boss who was lying on the sofa in a daze.
Han Xuan used the minivan as a pillow. He only glanced at the title of the document and shook his head and said, “If you don’t want to go, please turn it down for me. Recently, I don’t participate in anything. I just stay at home, have a meal with my family, and enjoy Vacation”
/in the past.
Every time Secretary Dawson hears his little boss say things like, “I need a rest,” or “I’ve been very busy lately, and I’m really tired,” there’s always a feeling in his heart, and he can’t help but want to punch him. impulse.
If this can be called tiring, what is the life of other ordinary people, such as Dawson himself? Hell?
Secretary Dawson took over many of the things that Han Xuan was too lazy to do, such as discussing things with the executives of various branches and helping to take on the role of a microphone.
Sometimes he would feel that he was as tired as a dog, and then he would think of the leisurely life of Snoopy, the Alaskan Malamute, and suddenly realize that he was wrong. In fact, dogs are not as tired as he is.
However, in recent times, although the little boss has not dealt with the company’s affairs much, he has been busy studying all day long. Dawson has noticed this. Sometimes he reads from morning to night. He really should take advantage of the holidays to rest and adjust. physical and mental state.
He replied: “Okay, I will find a way to refuse them. If it is charity, or if someone you know is getting married, just donate and give gifts as usual, right?” “Well, that’s it
. When it comes to donating this year “It doesn’t matter if the amount is a little more, but I can’t be said to be stingy. Gifts don’t matter.”
In the early morning, Han Xuan looked very tired, lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, and said to Secretary Dawson.
I had just adapted to the fulfilling pace of life at Cambridge University. After returning to the United States, I couldn’t find anything to do for a while. My original life routine was disrupted, and I felt like something was wrong with me.
Throughout the year, invitations trying to invite Han Xuan to participate in certain events are constantly coming, especially at the end of each year.
He will be invited to attend the Federal Reserve New Year Party, the United Nations H