
the magic cabinet have the function of blocking space. She is now in the inner space of the magic cabinet. She is probably in some kind of dimensional space. The sound we make outside cannot be transmitted at all.” Jiang Jinyuan speculated. Ichiban.

the magic cabinet have the function of blocking space. She is now in the inner space of the magic cabinet. She is probably in some kind of dimensional space. The sound we make outside cannot be transmitted at all.” Jiang Jinyuan speculated. Ichiban.
“She may have thought that there were snow-spotted zombies outside, so she didn’t dare to come out. Otherwise, if she had taken the initiative to put away the magic cabinet, she would have appeared.” Liu Gan added a few words based on Jiang Jinyuan’s speculation.
“Then how can we contact Sister Meng? Call her out?” Anna looked a little anxious. She still wanted to wait for Zhang Mengdi to come out and treat Guo Tian’s infection!
“There is a way, that is, the three of us sleep next to the magic cabinet. Mengdi likes to sleep. She hides in the small space of the magic cabinet and is probably asleep. As long as we all fall asleep and the dreams are connected, Then we can enter the dream town and see her. We go into the dream town and tell her that the danger is over and let her come out of the magic cabinet on her own. Of course, the prerequisite is that she is still alive.” Liu Qian thought of an idea. come out.
“Well, this is a good idea!” Guo Tian agreed upon hearing this.
Of course Anna would not object, so Jiang Jinyuan and Qian Zhou were on duty, while Liu Qian and the other two leaned against the magic cabinet and tried to fall asleep.
/A lot of things happened today, and the three of them were very tired, so it was not difficult to fall asleep. After more than ten minutes, the three people leaning on the magic cabinet fell asleep one after another and entered the dreamland.
“Brother Liu! Is that you?”
When Liu Qian opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Mengdi staring at him with a pair of big eyes.
“Thank God, you’re still alive.” Liu Qian breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Zhang Mengdi.
“After you left, I just put the three corpses into the magic cabinet when I saw a few snow-spotted zombies coming over. I quickly escaped into the house, but they also chased me and had no choice but to put the three corpses in the magic cabinet. I put it where I was standing and locked myself in. I didn’t know if those snow-spotted zombies were gone, so I didn’t dare to go out and fell asleep in there. I thought that if you fell asleep too, you would definitely fall asleep. Then you can find me.” Zhang Mengdi explained her current situation to Liu Qian.
“You are very smart, but now Guo Daxia has killed the nineteen snow-spotted zombies outside the magic cabinet. We are outside your magic cabinet and you can come out at any time.” Liu Qian praised Zhang Mengdi a few times.
“Guo Tian is so capable?” Zhang Mengdi’s eyes widened.
“Sister Meng, are you still alive? Gaga! If you die to save me, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life if I become a zombie!” Guo Tian had just entered the dreamland and couldn’t help but be very happy after seeing Zhang Mengdi.
“Brother Liu, can I help him treat him here? I feel like I have energy.” Zhang Mengdi asked Liu Qian.