
audience, Hao Ying, who was born with a childlike voice, sang the last lyrics of 2003:

audience, Hao Ying, who was born with a childlike voice, sang the last lyrics of 2003:
“Beijing welcomes you~”
Beijing, Xiaohe Village, security booth.
Looking down at the reporters at the entrance of the village, Uncle Lu closed the door of the security booth again.
Then he glared at Xiao Yu and said angrily: “You said you can’t go to the best school in the world, so you come to an old man like me and go through the back door, why should you go to a technical secondary school? What are you talking about!”
Xiao Yu hugged the cat and kicked it away. Benben and Xiao Hei Ge were playing around, muttering: “We are about to go to technical secondary school.”
“We will wait until your brother comes back.”
“My brother will be late when he comes back.”
“I am not afraid of being late, I am afraid that he will know when he comes back . You went to technical secondary school and stewed me alive!”
“How dare he~”
“He is the richest man in the world, what can he dare not do!”
Xiaoyu lowered his head and murmured: “I miss my brother. It’s not the richest man, it’s Zhao Song who installs light bulbs all over the village and loves me!”
Upon hearing the familiar name, Garfield’s eyes suddenly brightened up in Xiao Yu’s arms. Behind the figure, he collapsed slumped.
“Garfield, do you miss him too?”
Xiao Yu’s reply was accompanied by a meow and a pair of eyes that were gradually dimming.
Volume 13: The Patented Fierceness of the Century
We will always miss the encounter and miss the farewell, but what is more cruel than the two is that we will never see each other again.
LeTV Building, Paris, France.
After saying goodbye to her colleagues, Li Linna walked out of here holding a cardboard box.
After all, it was the place where she had worked and lived for many years. She was always a little reluctant to leave suddenly.
That was Zhao Song’s personal representative. When she decided to return the property, she agreed straightforwardly and did not send someone she was familiar with, but a strange intern.
Standing outside the building, Li Linna withdrew her gaze and then looked at the young man aside.
LeTV shares are easy to handle. Her personal property, especially the private property that bought Tesla shares immediately, is a huge number in the eyes of others, but it is a joke to the world’s richest man.
“Can I call him?”
“That’s your freedom.”
/The young richest representative is very interesting. He can stay silent without talking, but he can also answer all questions.
“You can even continue to work here.”
“Forget it.” Looking at the LeTV building again, Li Linna picked up the cardboard box and set off towards her apartment, “I won’t make that Miss Bai uncomfortable.”
The young representative shrugged and said nothing.
“When will they hold the wedding?” Li Linna then asked.
“The boss has decided not to do it. The parents of both parties will meet once and the two of them will go on a honeymoon trip.” After answering, the young representative couldn’t bear to look at