
ith a smile: “I grew up in a country full of official-oriented ideas. College students are not fools!”

ith a smile: “I grew up in a country full of official-oriented ideas. College students are not fools!”
Zhao Song shook his head in amusement, put his arm around Xizi’s shoulders, and walked towards the school gate.
“Three members of the Beijing City Standing Committee slammed the table because of my matter. Just a few hours after I came out, the director was transferred. As for the Qi Yuan family, do you think Aunt Wen will let them go?” ”
Not enough!” Xizi shook his head: “Where is the culprit?”
“Then we have to deal with it ourselves!” Zhao Song replied: “The big boss has drawn a line for me. As long as we can’t meet that line, we can attack those two companies at will!”
“Fight hard!”
What’s the answer? ?
Xizi looked at him blankly.
Zhao Song laughed “haha” and patted his shoulder hard. The laughter became louder and louder. In this quiet campus night, it seemed particularly harsh: “I will leave tomorrow to fight against Shang Hai!
And it’s not just Shang Hai. , we will also go to
Guangdong Province. In the future, we will go to Min Province and Zhejiang Province. I will find a few more natal families! Fate, enough!
However, Xizi had no clue about this. There was Dongguan in Zhejiang Province, Shida in Min Province, but as for Zhejiang Province, there was nothing. He couldn’t think of anything worthy of further investigation in these places, but seeing Zhao Song’s vow, he felt relieved and didn’t say anything more.
“Those people from the Bay have thoroughly studied the 7/11 convenience stores in the island country. You and Dazhi must study hard and gain some momentum, so that you can help me share the burden in the future!
” He rolled his eyes: “Like Liao Yingzhu, do you treat me like an animal?”
“Haha~” Zhao Song shrugged cheerfully: “The stall is so big that I am a little overwhelmed.”
/Xizi looked at the tired smile on Zhao Song’s face. , opened his mouth, but did not ask about ‘Tesla Holdings’.
He remembered that Zhao Song mentioned that this company had been integrating various assets in his hands, and he didn’t know how it was doing.
“Zhao Song.”
“What are you doing?”
“Take a break when you are tired. Looking at your current attitude towards doing things, I always feel that something is urging you to move forward!”
“I can’t take a break for the time being, Xizi!”
” Because it’s almost the end of the year!”
/“There are still seven months until the end of the year, so what if it’s the end of the year?”
Zhao Song stopped in front of a club and said solemnly: “But This year is different. At the end of the year, flower growers will 100% join the World Trade Organization. Xizi, by that time, major international manufacturers will enter the country without any hindrance. The era of free competition in the PC and IT industries is coming!
” At that time, if he still couldn’t figure out DRAM, he would give up without hesitation!
Iron-clad memory is the semiconductor technology most suitable for breakthroughs in this blocked countr