
d. He walked out of the hall without saying a word.

d. He walked out of the hall without saying a word.
Whether it was silent or unnecessary, perhaps only the old sheep demon himself knew at this time.
Nagisa looked at the empty demon clan hall and sighed softly: “Even if I am the only one left, I will protect your glory!”
On the train, I rubbed my eyes and woke up from meditating. The fat man was leaning against me. Window smoke. When he saw that I was awake, he said: “There is still a day’s drive.”
I nodded, stood up and walked out of the car with a thermos cup. It was still night, and there were a few people chatting in twos and threes next to the water boiler.
“Let me pour you a glass of water.” I walked over and said. The two people walked aside, and the moment I handed over the thermos cup, I suddenly turned around and saw that one of them behind me had pulled out a knife and was pointing it at my neck.
“Do it!” The person next to me roared when he saw that I had discovered it. At the same time, he took out a magic talisman from his arms and pressed it towards me. I lightly stepped on my feet and let out all the air from my body. The two people were pressed against the wall of the train on the spot, and the sound they made also attracted complaints from the surrounding carriages.
“You, you” The two of them were pressed against the iron rails of the train, unable to speak. I walked up to them and walked around them and asked, “You don’t have any identity tokens on you. Who sent you here?”
“Don’t ask, we won’t tell you, you devil. Everyone will be punished if they find it.” !” The other one reluctantly spoke, and then cursed me fiercely. After thinking about it, I stretched out my hand and grabbed the arm of the man holding the knife. When I turned it over, I saw a tattoo on his wrist.
“Oh, people from 507. Did Mr. Sha send you here? But now that the token has been turned into a tattoo, does 507 have no money?” The appearance of the tattoo is the same as the token from 507. Face my questions. The two of them struggled but had no intention of speaking.
“Don’t tell me? Then I won’t be able to keep you here.” I raised my hand and pretended to take action. One of the two finally couldn’t hold it back and shouted: “No, it wasn’t Sha Lao who sent us here!”
“No. ?” I asked.
/“It’s me.” I never thought that at this moment, a person would come out of the car on the other side of the aisle. I heard the voice and looked back. I didn’t see the person who spoke at first glance. I realized after I lowered my eyes a little. Speaker.
/“Oh, it’s you.” The person in front of me is still an old acquaintance of mine.
Li Dunzhu was standing at the entrance of the carriage with a cigarette in his mouth. He pointed at his two men and said, “These are my people. Don’t embarrass them. Come in, we are old friends and have a chat.”
In the carriage, Li Dunzhu Two of Dundup’s men stood guard at the door, and there were only two of us in the carriage.
“I thought you were dead in the United States. In fact, I didn’t believe it when they found someone to pretend to