
has returned to Japan to pick you up. This guy sounds like it. I’m quite happy.”

has returned to Japan to pick you up. This guy sounds like it. I’m quite happy.”
I sat on the plane and watched the city below gradually shrink. In the end, even the green mountains were blocked by the clouds, and suddenly a sadness surged in my heart. It will take a long time to come back after leaving this time. I have never thought about how I feel about flying away from my motherland. This is not a trip but an escape, and how much has changed five years later. How many people are still there and how many things will change?
/I lowered my head and pinched my nose gently with my fingers. Jun Yan next to me asked strangely: “What’s wrong?”
“It’s okay. What are your plans after arriving in Japan?” Jun Yan will not stay with me forever. That’s why I asked.
“When we were in Japan, the former Riyuro and I would find a teacher to help you tutor in English. In order for you to go to European and American countries by yourself in the future, there would be no language barrier. In fact, it is best to tutor in China, but time does not allow this. etc. One year later. I will arrange for you to leave Japan. Then I will return to China, and you may be on your way alone. ”
Why is it not good to take tutoring in Japan?” I asked strangely.
“Haha, you will know the Japanese’s English next time you listen to it, haha.” Jun Yan has been traveling abroad all year round and is responsible for overseas business for the military family. He is very capable in this regard and has cultivated his own talents in many countries. In terms of power, Sha Lao is not as good as him.
The plane landed smoothly. After we exited the departure hall, we saw from a distance that Riyuro Qian came to pick up the plane with a few people and was waving to us. When I saw that the people around him were all wearing slicked back hair, black suits and floral shirts, the way they stood didn’t look like ordinary people. And everyone around him stayed away from me.
“Brother Shan, Brother Shan!” Qian Liyulang shouted to me.
/“Haha, long time no see.” It felt good to meet an old friend in a foreign country, which diluted my homesickness a little. I looked at the people around me and asked, “Did you bring these?”
“No, these are all here under the orders of Brother Junyi. Look,” he stretched out his hand, and I turned around and saw these few people. The fierce-looking man immediately bowed ninety degrees when he saw Jun Yan, and then shouted loudly: “Ani brother!”
“What do you mean?” I didn’t understand this Japanese sentence.
“It means eldest brother. They are all the younger brothers of eldest brother Junyi in Japan, the bosses of each group.”
“Boss? Junyi also has younger brothers in Japan” I reacted.
“Hey, what’s the matter? Our military family is not allowed to open a branch in Japan? Let’s go, it’s time for us to hit the road. When we arrive in Tokyo, we are on my territory. I guarantee that everything will go well for you here, and you will have fun and food!” Former Riyuro said excitedly The ground shouted.
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