
me to us! Your mother is a lunatic. It’s not enough for her to harm us. You want to harm us too. Husband, hold on tight. The ambulance will be here soon. Husband.” I looked at Jiang Shan in a pool of blood and listened to his wife’s words to me. The scolding fell silent. If what he told me was true, my mother would use me to deal with the Haotian family and hide herself. Then she would silence everyone who might tell me the truth, including those who attacked me last night. Personally, or Jiang Shan today.

me to us! Your mother is a lunatic. It’s not enough for her to harm us. You want to harm us too. Husband, hold on tight. The ambulance will be here soon. Husband.” I looked at Jiang Shan in a pool of blood and listened to his wife’s words to me. The scolding fell silent. If what he told me was true, my mother would use me to deal with the Haotian family and hide herself. Then she would silence everyone who might tell me the truth, including those who attacked me last night. Personally, or Jiang Shan today.
Who should I know the truth from? I stood up and a person came to my mind!
/Late at night, I came out of the police station and picked up the car. On the roadside. I was about to walk over when Jiang Shan’s wife also walked out of the police station and was ready to go home under the guidance of several police officers. She hugged herself tremblingly and suddenly cursed like crazy when she saw me. : “Both you and your mother deserve to die. You will go to the eighteenth level of hell and will not be reincarnated!” ”
She kept cursing, attracting many reporters who were stationed because of the murder, and the police hurriedly took her away. I also lowered my head and got into the car, and the car quickly started and took me away.
“Master , please don’t worry about it, we will calm down this matter soon. I have already told the cook to prepare dinner. After I go back, I suggest you take a shower first.” Before the housekeeper finished speaking, I suddenly said: “If you don’t want to go home, take me with you.” Looking for my mother’s female boss friend. ”
The housekeeper was stunned, but didn’t ask any questions. The driver turned around and drove towards her villa.
Outside her villa, I got out of the car. The security guard at the door saw me and immediately stopped me. After I revealed my identity, her housekeeper soon took me into the house and sat in the luxurious and bright living room.
“I’m sorry, I have to wait for some business. “After I waited for half an hour, she came over and said apologetically.
After she sat down, I said seriously: “Where is my mother?
She was stunned by my question and said strangely: “I don’t know, my investigation here has never yielded any results. ” Where are you? ”
Don’t be careless. Let me ask again, where is my mother?” “My voice sounded very rude, and she looked at me strangely. She shook her head and said, “I don’t understand what you said. ”
/“The best actors in the world are not professional actors, but you business bosses. Since you don’t want to tell me, fine, I’ll change the question. Is it because you want to deal with the Haotian family? They jointly planned to use me, let my mother hide herself, and then told me that she was kidnapped by the Haotian family and forced me to go to war with the Haotian family, right? I asked, tapping my fingers on the table.
“Of course not, where did you hear that?” She denied with a smile.
“My friends in the Haotian family told me that the Haotian family doesn’t bother kidnapping businessmen. They won’t do