
the ground at this moment. The remaining stones and bones were mostly charred black, and even the heavy golden disc was torn into pieces.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the rubble more than a hundred meters to the side of Klein.
It is a set of translucent white robes with no head, no arms and legs, and seems to be held up by an invisible person.
At this time, its appearance was in tatters, full of cracks and black marks, and it looked quite embarrassed.
This was the two-hit combo of “Lightning Storm” that the Spirit World Marauder had just made recklessly and impulsively. It seemed that he had restrained it. Seeing this scene, Klein had some inexplicable thoughts.
By this moment, Klein had roughly understood what was going on:
Based on the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, as soon as he entered the outer area of ??Calderon where there were no normal undead, he was targeted by this spiritual predator. It first moved the golden disc from an unknown source to the prophesied route. , allowing himself to be seen through the marionette, thereby shifting his attention to Calderon’s transformation of living creatures, and then using the giant blacksmith who was not its soul to further paralyze himself, and finally quietly lurked within the control range, “One blow” succeeded.
“If I hadn’t seen the dead hanging like wind chimes in the chapel, and I had an instinctive fear of the high-sequence of the diviner’s path, and prepared several ways to interrupt the control without any help, I would have become the spirit world just now. Predator’s Split Soul
“Really, before I came in, I should have thought about the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics. After taking the Poseidon Scepter, even with the Tyrant card to suppress it, I was still a little reckless and missed such an important detail.
“On the surface, I am indeed as cautious as ever, but in fact, I have become reckless without realizing it, and I don’t think so yet.” Klein’s thoughts were spinning, and he raised the arm holding the bone scepter again, wanting to continue using it. “Lightning Storm” does a range attack.
If once is not enough, do it twice. If two times are not enough, do it three times. In short, seize this opportunity and prevent the spiritual predators from escaping the fire coverage.
This is the safest method, and it is also the fighting style that Klein advocates most. If the lightning strike had not been weakened a lot in Calderon City, he doubted that he would be able to pick up the extraordinary characteristics now.
Having already digested most of the Sequence 5 potion, his spirituality is still enough to sustain him for a while.
/At this moment, the body of the “invisible man” in a translucent white robe suddenly ignited with pale flames. A few hundred meters away, the same stream of flames leaped into the air.
The spirit world predator used a “fire jump” that was infinitely more powerful than Klein’s and instantly distanced himself.
At the same time, in the rubble where it was originally hiding, a four