
lying on the “Black Emperor” card or the corresponding rituals.

Silently, Klein easily completed the pull, and Derrick the Sun’s figure immediately appeared on the high-backed chair that belonged to him.
At the same time, Klein vaguely saw that the strange darkness flowing around the body of the little “sun” was broken.
The “Demon Hunter” entered the basement on high alert, followed closely by Haim and Joshua.
/They saw Derrick Berg’s figure quickly sketched out like a picture in front of the dim candlelight.
Above the gray mist, inside the palace supported by stone pillars.
Derrick “The Sun” quickly reported his experience to Mr. “Fool”.
The names or titles of “Dark Angel” Saslier, the kings of angels, seem to have been submerged in the long river of history, and are almost no longer known to people. If it weren’t for the little “Sun” and their discovery in the land abandoned by the gods, if it wasn’t directly I encountered an ancient evil spirit that was suspected of being the “Red Angel”. I didn’t even know about the King of Angels. At most, I heard about the Amon family, but I couldn’t get to the bottom of where the “blasphemer”, the “Dark Angel”, was now. Whether he is still alive or not, he is still one of the top members of the “Rose of Redemption”. Klein sighed with emotion.
Afraid that the little “Sun” would ask questions about this matter and that he would not be able to answer, Klein stopped thinking for a moment, leaned back on the chair leisurely and said:
“Your predicament has been resolved, and your companions are about to be found.”
While talking, he didn’t give the little “Sun” a chance to talk, and directly cut off the contact.
As for the question of how to explain the anomaly of the little “sun” if someone discovered it, Klein didn’t even bother to remind the other party to make up a reason.
Isn’t it normal for strange things to disappear and then appear again, accompanied by various strange situations?
At this time, Derrick was very grateful that Mr. Fool did not ask him more questions, because he was afraid that after leaving that different afternoon town, he would be exposed to the deadly darkness or targeted by hidden monsters, so he urgently He hopes to grasp the current situation of his body as soon as possible in order to make the most effective response. However, if Mr. Fool really raises a question, he will describe the corresponding situation seriously and patiently.
His consciousness returned to his body, and Derrick’s senses around him quickly recovered.
He opened his eyes and saw in front of him a candle that was almost burnt to the bottom. The wick was holding a small flame that was swaying in the wind.
Immediately afterwards, he found that the “chief” had stood beside him at some point. The tall Haim and Joshua, who was wearing red gloves, were two steps behind with guarded faces.
How long have they been looking at me like this? Although Derrick had already thought of a reason above the gray fog, he still felt guilty and nervous.
Colin’s heavily wrinkled face showed