
will never be stingy about throwing out my last trump card.

“It has been forty-seven seconds since you dissuaded Gong Yeyu and then they reported the news here to the headquarters, but no information has been returned from there. So, they have only one decision.” Valkyrie Seeing Pei Jiao’s expression of regret and pain, she continued to speak expressionlessly.
Pei Jiao said angrily: “They are going to have a showdown! No, they are stalling for time! They plan to wait for the return of the Oberis Titan Soldier! Yes, I should have thought of it earlier. The only person in the entire Easter Island who can possibly rival Gong Yeyu is Oberith’s Titan Soldier! Damn it, I’m so stupid, I should have thought of it earlier!”
As he spoke, Pei Jiao jumped up several meters, and then a silver lightning flashed, and the incomparable eight-legged horse appeared under him again. At the same time, he also looked at Gong Yeyu next to him who didn’t understand at all. He shouted loudly: “Gong Yeyu! Kill! Kill everyone in sight, destroy everything here, fuck him, the world government plans to wipe out all of us!”
/Gong Yeyu was stunned at first, and then a ferocious smile appeared on his face, and at the same time he shouted loudly: “Fuck you! I’ve had enough of the world government’s arrogance for a long time, such unspoken rules, such harmonious laws, I guys I was born happy, free, and unrestrained, why should I suffer from these bird-men’s arrogance? I might as well turn against my mother!” As he spoke, Gong Yeyu roared wildly, and the purple aura on his body burst out again, and at the same time, the purple thunder knife in his hand began to change rapidly. Gong Yeyu has grown into a giant. Although Gong Yeyu is reckless, he is not stupid. He also knows that he is approaching the end of the lamp, so he is “liberating” as soon as he takes action, and he has no intention of wasting the little standard energy in his body!
The group of soldiers on alert not far away also clearly noticed something was wrong, especially Gong Yeyu’s roar. Although it was shouted in Chinese, most of the soldiers present were foreigners who could speak Chinese proficiently. In shock, these people raised the firearms that they had put down before relaxing. After all, they were just a group of soldiers who did not know the truth. They were instigated by evil forces and did not know that the World Government wanted to completely kill Gong Yeyu and others, so They did not think that Gong Yeyu would deal with them for no reason. When Gong Yeyu started shouting violently, they had just raised their firearms, but they only saw a flash of purple light before their eyes, and his body was chopped into pieces. Gong Yeyu was “liberated” After that, with just a casual slash, all those hundreds of people were within the attack range of the purple sword. After one slash, no one was spared, and they were all chopped to pieces!
At the same time, Gong Yeyu looked at another group of soldiers surrounding this place, but he just turned around. Valkyrie, holding a two-hand