
ite cross sword. In the girl’s hand, the entire sword body shone with white holy light. !

When all these changes in form were completed, the girl gave a sweet shout and flew into the sky holding the giant cross sword. The white angel wings were not just decorations, they could actually fly when they were flapped!
After soaring into the sky, Father Varosti behind him also launched an attack. The natural weapon in his hand was a saber, which was emitting cyan light at the moment. Then he was seen slashing at the red demon from afar with a knife from the air. A wind blade actually turned into a saber and slashed directly at the demon. It was scattered by the red demon’s flame saber with a snap, but it actually made a sound of gold and iron. It is conceivable that what happened just now The power of Daofeng Blade is definitely not simple!
There are a dozen other people, the natural weapons in their hands all emit different lights, and they all seem to be able to use real demon-level natural weapons with special attributes. Moreover, these dozen people are not simple either. They are all… All the breakaways! People who can fight back in the face of pressure from the aura field are indeed much stronger than free souls.
For a moment, the red demon seemed a little flustered. These attribute attacks were either wind blades, ice spikes, or even various energy attacks with indescribable forms. It did not dare to continue to ignore them and waved the flame saber in its hand. It was airtight, but it still couldn’t block the attacks of more than a dozen people. It could care about what was in front of it, but not what was behind it. Several attacks hit it at once, leaving some scars on it.
But the really threatening attack came from the top of the head. The girl turned into an angel and slashed in the air, and the sword fell with white light shining. And the red devil knew it very well, and resisted several attacks from the others, but he raised his hand. He raised his saber and blocked it upwards. There was a crisp sound and he struck with the girl’s giant cross sword. His body seemed to be a little unstable, and the arm holding the whip swayed even more.
/More than a dozen people around him screamed in surprise, and started attacking with all their might. Only Pei Jiao was so anxious that it was indescribable. The group of people in front of them had never seen how powerful this red demon was. The whip could be used both offensively and defensively. He can also pester people, which is indescribably powerful, but these people actually think they have the upper hand. Don’t they know that this red demon is a person with wisdom and consciousness? He didn’t care about the consumption of his own obsession. Thunder and lightning crackled all over his body, and his body had rapidly expanded. Then he turned into a thunder giant and rushed through the circle surrounded by more than a dozen people. He shouted loudly and attacked the red demon.
“You idiots! If you are still holding back at this time, this red demon is scari