
ll there.”

Lin Yuan’s vocal cords had been injured.
Lin Yuan could no longer sing after the injury.
Because his voice was no longer magnetic, but rather hoarse.
You may not feel it obviously when you talk at ordinary times, but when you sing, the hoarse feeling lingers.
Logically speaking, this voice is not bad, anyway, it is not unpleasant.
But the problem lies in
Lin Yuan can’t use this voice!
Based on the original owner’s love for singing, it’s not like Lin Yuan has never tried singing with that kind of voice.
But every time he forced himself to use that voice, he would suffer pain in his throat.
The longer he sang and the higher the key, the more intense the pain became, as if it was tearing apart!
In other words:
That voice was really nice, but Lin Yuan couldn’t use it. It hurt like hell when he used it!
Once he endured the pain and sang two songs, the key of which was not too high. As a result, he contracted strep throat that night. It was so severe that he couldn’t even eat. It took him a week to recover before he could speak again. .
This is the direct reason why Lin Yuan gave up being a singer.
How can any singer find it difficult to sing a complete song?
in addition
Lin Yuan gave the impression that he spoke very little.
In fact, Lin Yuan’s voice was fine before he broke down. He could occasionally have fun chatting with people, but he was definitely not as precious about words as he is now.
But unfortunately, after his voice broke down, he couldn’t speak too much because he would use his voice when he spoke too much.
It does sound very cold, and Lin Yuan often gives people the impression that he rarely talks and likes to remain silent most of the time.
But the reason behind it is very helpless.
Some time ago, the system repaired Lin Yuan’s voice, and his voice became full of magnetism again, so Lin Yuan subconsciously thought that the “smoky voice” that appeared after he was injured had disappeared.
/It’s not a pity.
The sound was good, but it was useless.
How can a sound that is useless no matter how good it sounds?
/But now, judging from what this shadow means, it seems that his cigarette voice has not disappeared yet?
As if he guessed Lin Yuan’s thoughts, Xuying said calmly:
“The voice is still in your vocal cords, and you can use it now.”
Lin Yuan:
So I really have three voices?
The system repaired my voice and gave me my original voice back, but that “smoky voice” didn’t disappear either?
The sound is not the same as the well-known smoke voice. It is better to say that it is a variant of the smoke voice. The effect is indeed very similar.
“Let me try.”
Lin Yuan’s heart beat loudly.
If this voice can be used, then Lin Yuan really has three voices!
One is a male voice, one is an ethereal female voice, and the other is a variant of the smoke voice formed due to disease.
This is an irresistible temptation for a singer!
He began to sing impatiently. This was a Blue Star classic song that required singing with a smokey voice.
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