
hat no emperor can have in another world.

But that’s not all. The even bigger spectacle is a giant golden arch standing near the finish line. This is obviously a tradition inherited from the Lima Empire.
In the Lima Empire, the Arc de Triomphe was a gift dedicated to the heroes who returned from victory. I don’t know what kind of meaning it has become here.
With how much this world values ??skill masters, I am afraid that only great masters can enjoy this golden arch.
/Hull hid in the crowd from a distance and watched the Gesha Empire delegation pass by.
The delegation was riding a suspended flying car, gliding on the red translucent bright silk. There were three people on the flying car headed by it. The one in the middle was naturally the leader of the delegation, Surunaba, and the two behind him were Two new Grand Masters.
The people on the flying car that followed seemed even more familiar to Hull.
Anu, Jack and his junior sister, the nine people who were together at the beginning are now the only three left. The elf Carl and the dwarf Qiu must have died in the chaos that day. Hull felt that his nose was a little sour, and there was an indescribable sadness.
Suddenly, Hull’s intuition told him that someone was paying attention to him, and the sight came from above the speeding car.
/He quickly lowered his head.
I don’t know why, but the gaze didn’t move away from him, but locked on him.
In this case, Hull was no longer afraid. He raised his head and looked in that direction, and saw a man wrapped in a masked battle suit on one of the speeding cars, staring closely at him. Looking at him.
murderous look.
The moment the two eyes met, Hel felt a hint of murderous intent.
This murderous intent was definitely aimed at him, and this murderous intent actually still had attack power. If he hadn’t used the fusion field to push the murderous intent aside, he might have suffered a lot of damage.
Who has such a big hatred against him?
Hull felt baffled for a moment.
On the speeding car, Ibisil stared into the distance. Among the crowd below, there was a person with a trace of his divine consciousness. Only he could detect that divine consciousness, because it was part of the curse, which he had originally A curse uttered on the verge of death.
When I think about it now, the original scene unfolds before my eyes like a nightmare.
Above the head is the precarious city in the sky. The lightning pierces the roofs of the palaces. The buildings that have been built with countless efforts collapse one after another and fall from the sky.
Those thick lightnings would turn him into ashes as soon as they hit him.
How he escaped death that day can no longer be clearly remembered. What still exists in his memory is the memory of brushing against death again and again, which is definitely not a pleasant thing.
The most terrifying memory for him was that the golden monster suddenly emerged from the Sky City and rushed to his side.
At that time, he was already convinced that he would be chewed and devoured by this hug