
e Holy See wants to reduce big things to small things, it can just turn small things into nothing. If it wants to make more fuss about this matter, it will be a big deal.

After being mentally prepared, he became calm. After leaving the old man aside, Hull went to do his own thing. Sure enough, after more than two hours of this stalemate, the Holy See’s attitude finally softened.
The old man no longer had a straight face, and his tone of voice became much calmer.
Seeing that the Holy See was relenting, Hull simply pressed forward, because he knew his status very well. He was the liaison between the Immortal King and Dosalun, and at the same time shouldered the mission of both of them. Even if this status did not allow him to The Holy See can always go sideways and ask for some benefits.
“I had some injuries, but most importantly, after being attacked by Prayer of Life, my powers were completely out of whack and I needed a place to restore them.
“In addition, this series of attacks also made me realize that this is not a safe place. The only thing that can protect myself is strong strength, so I need to prepare something for self-defense that can help me arrange such a place. “?” Hull put forward conditions.
This is also a difficult problem. Originally, Hull thought that the Vatican could give him a few magic tools, preferably something that could be called a divine weapon. Unexpectedly, after the old man closed his eyes and sent the news back, the Vatican discussed it for more than an hour and brought him with him. Got here.
/This place is located in the downtown area. It is a closed basement that seems to have been closed for countless centuries. The only entrance and exit are sealed with a one-meter-wide and half-meter-high blue stone. The basement is more than two hundred meters deep from the ground, and there is no way for ordinary people to enter.
The old man did not bring him in, but just told him that there was such a basement. Fortunately, Hel had the Immortal Throne. The Immortal Throne could slide for about a kilometer, which was equivalent to an omnipresent passage.
/When I first came in, the air here was quite dirty, with a suffocating rancid smell. The surroundings were quite humid, and the ground was covered with mud. The little girl used more than a dozen purification techniques to make this place… A little tidier and at least habitable.
The air in the basement was limited, so Hull turned himself into an undead state; as for Shirley, she blessed herself and her mother Anna with the Holy Spirit, allowing them to survive without breathing.
The Holy Spirit spell can last for one and a half hours. Shirley’s own magic power is not enough to sustain the consumption for a day. However, as long as there is no magic power, she will use “Magic Extraction” on Hel. Anyway, Hel’s magic power is constantly flowing, so it is not necessary to use it at all. Not finished.
The entire basement is quite large. In addition to the main room where the altar is built, there are more than a dozen small rooms of var