
ove the two battleships in an incorporeal state.

There was no attack from below, which was what he expected. It was impossible that no one in the search and rescue team would discover it, and someone would help secretly. What he also expected was that the protective shield was not removed. This proves that the search and rescue team members did not lose their guard because of his help.
In front of the people below, Hel returned to the appearance of a black seraph, wearing a black cloak, a black shirt, black leather pants, and black boots and gloves. He was betting that someone among his subordinates knew this outfit.
Sure enough, the protective cover covering the bow of the ship opened a hole as big as a tabletop, revealing a man and a woman underneath.
“Major Martin, I didn’t expect you to be sent here.” Hull laughed. It was rare to meet an acquaintance here.
In addition to Major Martin, he also recognized the woman next to him. The female sky knight Yaqi did not make him suffer less. Whether he appears as the Black Seraph or he transforms into Philip, this female Sky Knight is his enemy.
/Before Martin could speak, Miss Yaqian had already said, “Black Seraph, do you still recognize me?”
“Have we ever met?” Hel said teasingly: “Damn it, I don’t have the slightest impression of such a beautiful young lady.”
“Have you forgotten the battle above Miscon?” the female Sky Knight said angrily.
Hull said as if he suddenly realized: “It turns out to be your Excellency, you are definitely the best. I have never seen a more powerful Sky Knight than you, who can chase me into despair. It’s a pity that this world is all water, not even an island.” Don’t even think about finding it, the people here are good at water fighting, and the force in the air will not be of much use here.”
Neither Yaqi nor Martin cared about Hull’s ridicule. What they cared more about was the content of Hull’s words.
“Do you know much about this world?” Yaqian asked.
“Not really, I just came in a few weeks earlier than you.” Hull said casually.
“So, not long after the door to space opened, you have already come in?” It was Martin who asked this question.
/“It’s not as early as you think. The speed of time passing in the two worlds is somewhat different. A day outside is about five days here.” After looking around, Hull sighed and said, “Would you think about it? , first escape from here, the regular army of this world will arrive soon.”
As soon as he finished speaking, the protective shield suddenly extended over and enveloped him together. Then the invisible magic circle was activated again, and the two warships suddenly disappeared into the vast sea.
“It’s useless.” Hel sighed and said, “If you believe me, follow me. You must first abandon these two ships.”
“This is impossible. There are weapons, ammunition and various supplies necessary for our survival on the ship, as well as flying monsters used to search the world,” Yaqi immediately denied.
“If the people you are looking for are still alive, they will definitely not be on the sea.