
ou to the middle-aged man. If Guitou really cannot recover, the middle-aged man may lose most of his strength.

Everyone felt an inexplicable chill down their backs. Could it be that he had offended some powerful person?
These people are also cruel and ruthless people. Now that they have already taken action, they have no more worries about the consequences.
Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei smashed the ghost’s head, everyone below also took action.
The two young girls on the small building on the far left held each other’s hands, and a demonic image with long horns, red skin, and goat hooves suddenly appeared behind them. After the demonic image appeared, a sea of ??fire suspended in mid-air suddenly appeared around them.
The demonic image roared at Wei Xiaobei, grabbed a hammer in its right hand, and rushed forward.
At the same time, the rest of the people are also using their own methods.
Some people had black mist coming out of their bodies, and then turned into giant bats. Some people had their hair flying and turned into snakes. Their eyes were gray and white. They looked towards Wei Xiaobei, and some even took them. He picked up a mahogany sword, put on a Taoist robe, sprinkled out a handful of talisman, and muttered something.
Well, judging from the methods used by these people, there are methods from the Chinese Taoist sect, as well as the dark races from Europe, etc. It can be said that it is a mess and has everything.
But what is surprising is that the cooperation between them is quite skillful.
/The devil’s virtual image rushed at the front, seemingly ready to fight Wei Xiaobei, while the huge bat turned into black mist and quietly and quickly circled Wei Xiaobei’s side. As for the Medusa, it was ready to fight. Activate the Eye of Petrification to petrify Wei Xiaobei.
The Taoist priest seemed to want to set up a talisman array, either a killing array to directly kill Wei Xiaobei, or to restrict Wei Xiaobei’s movements and create conditions for others to kill Wei Xiaobei.
Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei also knew that this was actually a misunderstanding.
If you retreat at this time, keep a safe distance, and say a few nice words to the other person, the relationship between the two parties will naturally become much more harmonious.
But the problem is, things have already progressed to this point. If Wei Xiaobei stops and gives up, will he still be Wei Xiaobei?
In other words, is Wei Xiaobei planning to peel off his face and let the other party step on him?
The other party is just a group of strangers.
In the following battle, Wei Xiaobei fought head-on.
Of course, since Wei Xiaobei had lent his strength to the half-blood Qingluan, he had no other means at his disposal and could only rely on his physical body to fight.
The demon’s virtual image had already rushed in front of Wei Xiaobei. A fiery red color suddenly appeared on the hammer in his hand, and it pulled the sea of ??fire around it and smashed it down towards Wei Xiaobei!
Different from the normal sea of ??fire, the sea of ??fire pu