
that the natives had no intention of letting them go. After forcing them to kneel down beside the ditch, they raised their sharp scimitars, which had the momentum to cut them down with one strike.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei saw the divine radiance on a rock statue, and in an instant, a red light fell on the middle-aged people.
Soon, a change occurred. The suits on the middle-aged men turned into fire and burned. The pain made them jump to their feet, and then they took off all their suits, trousers, etc. desperately.
When the natives saw this scene, instead of cutting off their swords, they knelt down one by one in fear and kowtowed to the statue.
Not long after, a pair of simple animal skin armor suddenly appeared on the middle-aged men, and even scimitars were prepared for them.
Except for the slightly short hair and the uncolored face, there is no other difference from the natives.
At this moment, the middle-aged men seemed to understand something and hurriedly knelt down towards the statue, kowtowing repeatedly, as if to say thank you to the gods for their salvation.
Only the middle-aged man with his eye punched out was still yelling. Wei Xiaobei probably heard that his wife was killed by these natives or something.
Therefore, he was unwilling to kneel down and worship this evil god.
Without further ado, several natives swooped forward and chopped off the middle-aged man’s head with a swing of their swords.
Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei understood. This was the so-called redemption.
As long as you are willing to surrender to the gods and become like those divine soldiers, then your salvation will be successful.
If you don’t want to, then become a corpse.
It turns out that this is how these magic weapons were transformed.
But having said that, those middle-aged people originally only had one-star ordinary strength, that is, they were white-collar workers with thin bodies. But after the red light shined, their physical fitness suddenly increased by leaps and bounds, reaching the level of one-star elite.
/Although they are not as good as those other magic weapons now, this method is considered quick.
In the central square, Wei Xiaobei did not find any priests with magical abilities.
But it’s normal to think about it.
With the strength of those indigenous gods, it would be too expensive to give believers magical abilities.
A redemption like this can not only create a group of slightly useful cannon fodder, but also scare these believers. It costs little and is much better than granting magical abilities.
Different from the sun god belief that Wei Xiaobei established in Japan, the indigenous people here originally had no external threats, so these gods directly used violence to make the other party believe in them. Anyway, belief in themselves will give them some power, and those who do not believe in them will kill the blood sacrifice. !
To be honest, if the people brought to be beheaded in the central square were civilized natives, Wei Xiaobei would not care and would just take it as a spectator.