
i blowing away all the Da Shun troops in one breath, the envoys’ eyes brightened when they looked at Wei Xiaobei, especially Li Zuoguo and Yue Lei, who looked eager to try, as if they both wanted to He stepped forward to compete with Wei Xiaobei.

“You! You! What do you want to do?”
Wei Xiaobei ignored them at this time. He took a few steps forward and came to the scribe of Dashun Army. He was so frightened that the scribe trembled all over and took a few steps back. He didn’t seem to have much fighting ability and was afraid that Wei Xiaobei would use force. .
It should be said that the Dashun Army was classified as a bandit in the Ming Dynasty due to its shady origins, so not many literati were willing to join them.
He remembered that the more famous literati under Dashun Army were Niu Jinxing and Li Yan.
Therefore, Wei Xiaobei wanted to see who this scribe was, and then activated the omniscience.
/Name: Ox Venus.
Race: human.
Sex: Male.
Age: 49 years old.
Creature level: One-star elite.
Introduction: Niu Jinxing was a member of the Ming Dynasty. He was recommended by Li Yan and served under Li Zicheng. He later became a bachelor of the Tianyou Hall of the Dashun regime. He was narrow-minded, flattering and liked to exercise power. He wanted to kill Li Yan and later defected to the Qing army.
Attributes: (omitted)
Weaknesses: Timid and life-saving.
Skills: speaking skills, eight-part essay, calligraphy, decision-making.
Special abilities: None.
Evolution points: X (cannot accumulate evolution points)
Possessed item: Tianyou Palace bachelor’s seal.
When Wei Xiaobei read all the attributes of this person, he couldn’t help but laugh.
This person turned out to be Niu Jinxing.
It must be said that when Wei Xiaobei was young, there was no one he hated more than this person.
In Wei Xiaobei’s view at that time, if Niu Jinxing hadn’t slandered and killed Li Yan, Li Zicheng would not have ended up with his head missing.
Villain, this person is a naked villain.
Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t need to do anything else at this time.
The biological level of this Niu Venus is too low, a one-star elite.
So Wei Xiaobei used All-Things Knowledge to check its attribute table. In an instant, the Niu Venus vomited blood and fell down. I’m afraid it won’t be long before he dies.
“The thief is so brave, he dares to kill the Grand Scholar!”
Seeing Niu Jinxing vomiting blood and falling down, the Dashun soldiers didn’t know what was going on, but they guessed that it had something to do with Wei Xiaobei. However, they were blown away by Wei Xiaobei before, so how could they dare to attack Wei Xiaobei now? After Bei stretched out his paws and stood up, he only dared to stand in the distance and shout.
“Go away, you losers, even if you form an alliance, it will be of no use!”
What Wei Xiaobei didn’t expect was that before he could say anything, the young general who looked like Yue Lei started yelling at the Dashun soldiers, scaring them so much that they turned around and ran away.
It seems that these Dashun troops