
strong. At that time, ascension was very simple. The largest catastrophe was only fifty miles around, which is fifteen miles in diameter. I’m afraid you can survive this kind of catastrophe now.” past.”

Wu Tianzun was a little confused: “Before, with my level of cultivation, I could ascend to immortality? Why can’t I do it now?”
Xu Ying didn’t know how to answer his question.
According to what Xu Ying knows so far, in the ancient times, people practiced to overcome tribulations. The tribulations came according to the individual’s luck, and the scale could be large or small.
But at some point, the way of heaven began to set the intensity of the heavenly tribulation based on the strength of the previous ascended person. As a result, those who survived the tribulation had to be stronger than the previous generation of ascendants in order to survive the heavenly tribulation.
As a result, generations of ascendants continued to increase the intensity of the heavenly tribulations, eventually leading to the emergence of super tribulations that were hundreds of times greater than ordinary tribulations!
After the last ascended person leaves, no one can ascend.
“The last ascended person killed everyone, which also led to the decline of Qi Refiners and the rise of Nuo Masters.”
Xu Ying gave an overview of what he knew and expressed his guesses, saying, “Later on, some Qi practitioners had a twisted idea, misinterpreted the Nuo method, fished and cannibalized people, and relied on this method to increase their strength and extend their lifespan. Now, no matter whether it is a Qi practitioner or a Nuo master, everyone is in danger.”
/Wu Tianzun continued to walk forward and said: “Unfortunately, my life span is not enough to go to the world you mentioned. I would like to pass on the martial arts and the spirit of martial arts there. If I am determined to forge ahead, even if I cannot ascend, It’s not necessarily impossible to live a wonderful life.”
His energy and blood showed signs of declining slightly, which shocked Xu Ying.
As a martial arts expert who has cultivated the Yuan Shen, he is a god himself. He can control all the acupoints of the physical body, seal himself, so that his essence does not leak out or be lost, and he is always at his peak!
However, Wu Tianzun’s energy and blood showed signs of decline, indicating that his control over his physical body had begun to fail.
His body has aged.
Wu Tianzun smiled and said: “I really want to go to the world you mentioned and blow the heads of those fishermen with my fists. But time waits for us not. It would be great if I could do it twenty years earlier.”
The light in his eyes dimmed. Although he refused to accept old age or admit defeat, this body was still old after all.
“This ancient battlefield has a great secret. It prevents people from practicing in the ancient world.”
Wu Tianzun walked in front, and his powerful martial arts spirit emanated, turning into figures, sweeping past, and said, “It forces us to rely on our own bodies and fists without any