
the calf.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air. He kicked off his legs and retreated more than twenty meters from the sand covered with scarab descendants. At the same time, he slapped his hands violently and killed all the eight scarab descendants that climbed up his calves. .
/After a brief inspection of the wound, fortunately, due to the limitations of the scarab descendant’s jaw, the wound was just a crack, with some blood leaching out, but it had solidified and closed, and there was no sign of swelling or poisoning.
Of course, if you give this scarab descendant time, it won’t be a problem to tear off a piece of flesh from the calf.
Well, as far as the current situation is concerned, as long as Wei Xiaobei plays steadily, these slowly approaching Scarab descendants are a good opportunity to evolve.
But after Wei Xiaobei looked around, he immediately gave up the idea.
This insect swarm composed of the descendants of scarabs grew in a trapezoidal shape and moved towards the Fiery Red Mountains. Its front line spread out to a length of more than three thousand meters! The width also exceeds three hundred meters.
In other words, if Wei Xiaobei ran for his life now, he might have a chance of survival, but if he got entangled with these scarab descendants here, he would be dead.
Wei Xiaobei was not a person without decisions. When he made the decision, he turned in a diagonal direction and pulsed towards the Fire Red Mountain.
According to Wei Xiaobei’s calculations, if nothing goes wrong, this line can pass between the two before the insect tide reaches the Fiery Red Mountains.
Of course, the dangers and accidents here are not small. After all, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know what monsters are there besides the red scorpion near the Fire Red Mountain Range.
Thunk thump, rustle, rustle, Wei Xiaobei dragged the big gun and kept rushing forward. From a visual point of view, it was extremely thrilling.
Twenty or thirty meters away from Wei Xiaobei, a bronze-colored tide swept over, covering the sand wherever it passed.
/A rare black giant scorpion in this area jumped out of the gravel. Not long after it rushed out of the gravel, it was covered in bronze. In the blink of an eye, there was a sound of chewing, and the towering scorpion tail immediately dropped down. After the insect wave passed, only some scattered fragments of the back shell were left on the sand, and the rest were eaten away by the insect wave.
Although this black giant scorpion can only be regarded as a trivial thing in front of Wei Xiaobei, in reality, it can be regarded as a first-class vicious thing. Killing seven or eight people in one go is a trivial matter.
But such a vicious creature turned into dregs and disappeared in the blink of an eye in front of the overwhelming descendants of scarabs.
Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei knew that even if he fell into the insect wave, the consequences would be disastrous.
These scarab descendants are no ordinary dung beetles. They are extremely aggressive. The black giant scorp