
e eyes of the tauren suddenly began to turn red, streams of steam spewed out from their nostrils, and the muscles in their bodies expanded rapidly. A loud roar sounded immediately, and the tauren were shocked and pointed the giant ax in their hands towards the guard. Xiaobei threw it over.

Whirring whirring
/The giant axes thrown by hundreds of tauren at the same time almost blackened the sky.
Wei Xiaobei didn’t pay much attention to the ax throwing attacks launched by these minotaurs. He only needed to retreat a hundred meters back to avoid the rain of axes.
But what surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the aura of these tauren suddenly increased several times, from three-star terrifying to four-star ordinary!
It seems that it should be the effect brought about by the special ability of the tauren.
From a certain perspective, this violent ability is probably somewhat similar to the giant wolf’s mad transformation.
However, from the perspective of the level of increase, the increase in strength of berserk is far greater than the increase in berserk ability.
Bang bang bang
Wei Xiaobei easily retreated back hundreds of meters, and then a strong wind blew, and hundreds of giant axes fell in front of Wei Xiaobei one after another.
The soil suddenly flew up, and in the blink of an eye, the area hit by the giant ax turned into a large pit about ten meters deep! Hundreds of giant axes were inserted inside, like a forest with its crown cut off.
But what happened next almost made Wei Xiaobei burst out laughing.
After the tauren threw all the giant axes, he was shocked to find that he had no weapons, but this sobriety was soon disturbed by the bloodthirsty atmosphere brought by the rage.
The tauren who rushed at the front easily grabbed some cavemen in their hands to use as weapons, and then smashed them towards the same kind next to them.
Obviously, these tauren have become somewhat unconscious after activating their violent abilities. All creatures that are close to them will become their attack targets.
As a result, the tauren who originally charged towards Wei Xiaobei with great momentum were killing each other in a blink of an eye, and a melee broke out.
Of course, there are also some tauren who seem to be slightly sober. They try to stop the chaos between their kind. However, those tauren who are not so clear-headed do not understand their good intentions at all. Anyone who blocks them will punch them. .
As soon as the tauren who stepped forward to stop him out of good intentions was beaten, the suppressed violent aura rose up, and he immediately punched him back.
In this way, the tauren who was still a little sober was suddenly involved in the war.
Of course, if we call it war, the style is a bit high.
To be precise, it should be a chaotic fight.
These tauren are no longer clear-headed. You punch and I kick, beating each other.
If their opponents were ordinary humans, these fists and kicks would be enough to beat ordinary humans into pulp, but their opponents at this time are their own kind. Alt