
Hongyun asked in confusion: “Why are you laughing?”

Jiajia laughed for a long time before she suppressed her laughter and asked, “What’s up with your ridiculous hairstyle?” After saying that, Jiajia continued to laugh again.
When talking about the hairstyle, Liu Hongyun turned red with anger. He said angrily: “This is not a hairstyle sacrificed for the mission. What do you think I want?”
Jiajia couldn’t stop laughing and completely ignored Liu Hongyun’s feelings.
“Have you fucking laughed enough?” Liu Hongyun punched the door frame. He was not a good-tempered person to begin with, but now his anger has been completely ignited by Jiajia’s ridicule.
Liu Hongyun’s sudden anger made Jiajia laugh a lot. Jiajia immediately stopped laughing and threw herself into Liu Hongyun’s arms, shyly saying: “Why are you angry? I was just joking.” ”
Jiajia’s words and graceful body extinguished Liu Hongyun’s anger. Liu Hongyun laughed lewdly and said, “Then I can’t just forgive you. Come on, let me punish you properly.”
Twenty-five, desperate mandarin duck
After a fierce “battle”, Jiajia and Liu Hongyun sat on the bed.
Liu Hongyun lit two cigarettes in his mouth, took one out and handed it to Jiajia.
Jiajia casually took the cigarette, put it on her mouth, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: “Originally, the five of us agreed not to meet each other or inquire about each other’s identities. To be honest, I think the two of us It’s a bit over the line for an individual to do this.”
Liu Hongyun said contemptuously: “Oh? That’s not what you said when you seduced me.”
Jiajia covered her mouth and smiled: “It was the beginning, people will always change.”
Liu Hongyun gave Jiajia a disgusted look and said, “Don’t do this, I know you want to leave a way out for yourself to save your life.”
/Jiajia chuckled and said, “I really can’t hide it from you. Since you can see through my intentions, why do you still accept my temptation? Yunchang is not affected by me at all and insists not to meet me.”
Liu Hongyun paused, then smiled slyly and said, “Because I think the same thing as you.”
Jiajia patted the back of Liu Hongyun’s head and said with a sweet smile: “It’s really annoying. Now I have no bargaining chips, and our two lives are tied together. If I are caught, I will betray you, and you will be betrayed.” If you catch him, he will betray me.”
Liu Hongyun held Jiajia in her arms and said, “That’s not necessarily the case. As you said, people will always change.”
Jiajia snuggled into Liu Hongyun’s arms and said, “What will you become?”
Liu Hongyun said: “To be honest, at first, I met you with the mentality that I would betray you, but after seeing you, everything changed. I will not betray you. I would rather die by myself.” I wouldn’t have thought that such a beautiful creature would simply pass away.”
Jiajia’s cheeks turned red and she said: “Damn it, you are so kind to me and your skills are so great, how could I be willing to betray you?”
Liu Hongyun sighed softly and said: “Jiajia, I want to ask you, if somethi