
ress his usual ease when hosting entertainment programs: “Who here has any doubts?”

No one had any doubts.
Including Ling Kong and Song Fang.
What a joke, in public, with the eyes of the whole world watching, it is stricter than any exam in the world, and it is impossible to cheat successfully!
the most important is
People from the Literary and Art Association had checked in advance. How could the official certification be fake?
Unless Chu Kuang can really influence the official attitude, but if he really has this strength, it is impossible for him to reach the point where he needs to prove himself.
“In that case, let me introduce today’s situation to you.
The mysterious guest on the stage is Chu Kuang. Next, he will create novels live through live broadcast.
The content of the novel written by Chu Kuang will be displayed on the public screen.
The public screen will present Teacher Chu Kuang’s creative process from multiple angles to ensure that everyone can see it clearly.
As for the appearance of the face that the public is most concerned about, it will be after the novel is written. I hope everyone can understand. After all, writing a book with people staring at your back is already a very stressful thing. ”
This man in the blue shirt is really Chu Kuang!
In today’s live broadcast, Chu Kuang will really show his face!
Anhong only needs to extract these two useful pieces of information to make everyone at the scene and on the Internet excited!
This group includes both supporters and opponents.
It’s just that the reasons for both parties are different.
At this time.
The camera panned to Ling Kong and Song Fang, and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became restless.
Many people did not expect that these two leaders of the questioning faction would also come to the scene!
/It seems that today we are going to have a showdown!
on the stage.
An Hong took a deep breath and turned to look at the blue figure: “Teacher Chu Kuang, you can start.”
As the words fell.
The audience saw Chu Kuang moving his hands.
/Snap, snap, snap.
In the document on the screen, three words appeared:
Dream of Red Mansions!
The background of the story of Red Mansion is fictional.
To sum up, “A Dream of Red Mansions” is based on Cao Xueqin’s own experience, integrating the characteristics of the time, and substituting the life of scholar-bureaucrats in the late Ming Dynasty, the story clues of the Qing Dynasty, and the life background of the Ming Dynasty. It can be regarded as a combination of the living environment of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
And at this moment.
Lin Yuan chose “A Dream of Red Mansions” mainly because it corresponds to two of the four major masterpieces that have been completed:
“Journey to the West”
“Water Margin”.
Don’t forget that those two novels are both in classical Chinese.
Among contemporary writers who dare to write novels like this, Chu Kuang is definitely the only one. He is regarded as an icon in the Blue Star literary world. It is not a bad idea to regard it