
ying for it, but the quality will inevitably drop.

Lin Yuan does not intend to dry up the lake and fish.
Fortunately, Lin Yuan’s master-level painting skills are enough to support Lin Yuan’s art exhibitions of any size.
As long as there are one or two works from the Soul of Painting series hanging there in the entire art exhibition, it will be enough.
Too much will make you numb.
Anyway, Lin Yuan has the habit of painting when he has nothing to do.
In his study, there are many master-level paintings that Shadow has accumulated in the past, including the Painted Soul series.
These works are more than enough to support an exhibition.
When the art exhibition, animation and comics work together, it shouldn’t be difficult to surpass Chu Kuang in the ranking.
After all, it takes time for Chu Kuang to write a book.
Many of Shadow’s works are ready-made.
Think of this.
Lin Yuan called Sun Yaohuo.
Three seconds?
Sun Yaohuo can always answer the phone one step faster than others.
Lin Yuan was amazed at this, and seriously doubted that this senior would play with his mobile phone every day when he had nothing to do.
“I have a friend who wants to hold a personal exhibition.”
“Is this friend that my junior is talking about Teacher Shadow?”
“It’s just for ranking.”
Sun Yaohuo understood Lin Yuan’s thoughts as soon as he heard it. His passionate voice suddenly dropped and he suddenly became filled with righteous indignation:
“The public influence is a bit lacking.”
Lin Yuan could understand why the Literary and Art Association did this.
These lists are clearly intended to stimulate crazy involution in various major fields.
Lin Yuan had reason to suspect that the higher-ups hoped that he could use art exhibitions and other methods to increase Yingying’s personal influence in the painting world, and it would be best to make his peers invisible.
“Do not worry!”
Sun Yaohuo patted his chest:
“Leave the personal art exhibition to me. It will definitely be a big deal. Just twenty-one people are so contemptuous. I want the whole world to know the ability of Teacher Shadow!”
/In fact.
When he saw Shadow’s ranking, Sun Yaohuo couldn’t hold back and was very unconvinced. He knew too well the power of the Painted Soul series!
Don’t say anything else.
The top suites at Guangyu Dynasty Hotel are reserved until the end of the year!
For this reason, Sun Yaohuo specifically terminated the appointment.
After this wave of reservations ends, Fish Dynasty Hotel will no longer accept any form of reservations. Only those who want top-level suites can be booked.
Anyway, there is no need to worry about no guests coming.
This kind of attraction, just ask Blue Star which contemporary painter can achieve it?
Seniors think more comprehensively than themselves, and traveling around the world can really maximize their influence.
At this time.
Sun Yaohuo said again:
“I just have something I want to discuss with my junior. Is it too concentrated for the five painting soul series to be pl