
es who came in the early stage are all natives of the Alpha Kingdom.

They are all in the same circle, and with a little inquiry, you can know the dangers of the foggy sea.
Treasures are truly valuable, but lives are even more valuable.
When outsiders come, the situation will be different. It’s not surprising to get the opposite result when you go to inquire about information.
They will kill each one, and if they have the opportunity to cleanse their competitors without leaving a trace, local snakes will not show mercy.
The net was laid, and Hudson continued his training career. From the initial physical training to individual combat training, it has now entered the final stage – the military formation.
Unlike the training of private armies in the past, which could only be commanded by Hudson himself, the kingdom’s standing army could number more than 200,000.
If we gather people together, it is estimated that the area of ​​the training ground will not be smaller than that of the royal capital. Even if you shout at the top of your lungs, 99% of the soldiers will not be able to hear you.
It became inevitable to allocate training tasks to noble officers. It’s just a little different from the previous training. The military formation training is much more complicated.
Even though Hudson gave the order and explained it very clearly, few people could understand it.
As a last resort, Hudson had no choice but to return to his old job, visiting as a military academy instructor for a while, and first gathering the officers for training.
Seeing the gloomy faces of the noble officers, waving their spears in their hands like soldiers on the training ground, the dignitaries of the royal capital who were watching couldn’t bear to look directly at them.
/Theoretically speaking, one can learn by observing training, but in order to deepen everyone’s impression, Marshal Hudson specifically stipulated that officers must participate in the training in person.
Forget it about aristocratic demeanor! When it comes to the training ground, no matter how high your status is, the nobles are just soldiers. As a kingdom at war, the Alpha Kingdom never raises delicate people.
The overall quality of the officers was pretty good. After eliminating a few laggards, the remaining officers all showed strong learning abilities.
It doesn’t matter if you are unhappy, learn how to get rid of it as soon as possible. If you can’t learn it, you have to keep training on the court. It’s a trivial matter to be embarrassed.
If you perform too poorly and fail to keep up with the training progress, you risk being kicked out.
It’s not easy to get to where you are now, and no one wants to be demoted because of “lack of ability.”
The higher the senior officer, the greater the pressure. Their current status does not allow them to be labeled as “incompetent”.
The harsh training standards put a lot of hardship on the officers, but the nobles who gathered around to watch the stolen troops were very excited.
Finally learned something real!
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