

God knows why the homophony of this song is so magical.
At this time, the recording of the song has been completed, and Yu Dynasty is waiting for the arrival of the end of the month.
Fans are discussing Xianyu’s new October song.
/“It’s almost the end of the month again.”
“Has Fish Daddy’s new song for October been recorded yet?”
“I’m even nervous for Daddy Fish. The final sprint for the 12th consecutive championship is about to begin!”
“October shouldn’t be a big problem.”
“For Daddy Fish, the most difficult month is December. The battle between the gods is not easy to fight.”
“We can’t take it lightly now.”
“That’s true. It would be too shameful to flip over in October.”
“Hehehe, I wonder which singer from Yu Daddy’s new song in October will overturn the brand of Yu Dynasty.”
Xianyu fans are the most nervous.
And when the time came to September 30, the people discussing it were no longer limited to Xianyu fans.
This is also the day.
Starlight Entertainment.
I don’t know when the several cameras were set up.
in the lens.
A group of male staff members in formal suits emerged one after another.
Some people were carrying ladders, and some were carrying heavy instruments, mostly musical instruments and speakers.
Lin Yuan led the Yu Dynasty singers out of the company door.
Pause in front of the camera.
Lin Yuan smiled and said: “At 7 o’clock on September 30, we will drive through Sioux City to attend the wedding.”
The director in the distance made an OK gesture.
Lin Yuan understood it and passed through the camera.
Afterwards, every singer from Yu Dynasty walked in front of the camera.
When passing the camera.
Jiang Kui made a two sign to the camera;
Zhao Yingchrome stuck out her tongue playfully at the camera;
Chen Zhiyu carried the guitar and shook his hair coolly;
Xia Fan posed when passing by the camera
Each Fish Dynasty singer left a brief scene.
“You’re going to be late!”
Sun Yaohuo hugged Bess and ran over in a hurry.
Four cars were parked at the door.
In front are two black business cars.
Behind them were two open-top four-seater sports cars.
One is red and one is blue.
Lin Yuan got into the red sports car in front.
Other singers from Yu Dynasty also got into two sports cars.
After getting in the car.
Everyone was a little excited:
“Where did the sports car come from?”
“This one seems to cost close to 20 million!”
“The latter one also has a base price of 10 million!”
“So handsome!”
“Arranged by the company?”
“I arranged it.”
On the red sports car, Sun Yaohuo said with a smile, showing his inhumane side.
I don’t know who cheered, and the three cars officially set off.
Sitting in the convertible sports car, with the oncoming wind blowing, everyone was a little excited.
And when several cars shuttled through the city.
Beside the road.
Skyscrapers are rising one after another!
On the huge billboards of some buildings and some big screens in the city center, there are group posters of the Fish Dynasty singers!
on the