
in front of Chu Weiyang, as well as the Qingyi Taoist’s understatement of turning into a dragon and so on, made everyone feel the same!

At the same time, this group of people may be getting farther and farther away from the high platform, and because of this, they are getting closer to the door of the temple. At this moment, the door is open, and this group of people can even shrink and tremble. , clearly heard the dragon roars coming and going one after another in the same majestic sea of ??hazy clouds that held up the Brass Taoist Palace.
/The dragon roars loudly!
But just when the Taoist in Qingyi finished speaking, the louder the roar of the dragon became, the clearer it became to the cultivators that there was no so-called real dragon in the sea of ??clouds. The roar of the dragon came one after another. The existence of You, a long time ago, was still a monk of Huanghua Taoism standing cautiously in the Taoist palace like other cultivators!
However, it was just because they didn’t do things well, or they were “embarrassed” and were “inspired” by Taoist Qingyi to follow another path of cultivation.
Therefore, the clearer the dragon’s roar became, and the more clearly it made people hear it, the more fearful the cultivators became!
And at this moment, slightly in front of the crowd, there was a monk whose figure had mostly emerged from the beast form and became more human. At this moment, he stepped out of the crowd and without saying a word, he went straight towards the Taoist in green. He bowed his hands and bowed.
“Since the palace master is like this, why not send some outer disciples? Even if the palace master favors his amazing performance, why not capture him alive? He also has a dragon head, and maybe he can teach the palace master more interesting things.”
When the words fell, the monks with strange figures felt even more chilled in their hearts.
They had already seen clearly the scene just revealed in the cloud mirror. The three-headed and six-armed figure of Chu Weiyang was performing a witchcraft and war dance. It was far more bizarre and sinister than the ordinary scene. It looked like two people In the evenly matched situation, the Huanghua Taoist cultivator lost little by little.
But in fact, from the beginning to the end, the Huanghua Taoist cultivator never had any insight into the chance of victory. All the rhythms of the fight, even the final struggle to death, were completely predicted by the cold ghost with three heads and six arms.
Under the appearance of extreme madness and madness, in fact, there is extreme calmness and rationality in the process of fighting.
/They can stay in this Taoist palace, but in fact their cultivation and talents have far surpassed the ordinary Youxu Yin Xuantian monks.
It is precisely because of this that the more thoroughly they see, the more they understand that even if they change places and fight with these three-headed and six-armed ghosts, they may not be able to do better than their fellow disciples. In the end, they will probably be 99% bet