
they will not disturb us.”

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, “The devil is afraid of fairy fire?”
“We thought so too before, so we collected fairy fire and I refined six kinds of fairy fire.”
Xu Ying was startled and lost his voice: “How dare you hit the demon with a boat made by Zhuchanchan? Aren’t you afraid that the boat will fall apart?”
Emperor Zhou sighed: “Although Zhu Tiangong’s character is questionable, the magic weapons he refines have never had problems during critical periods. Such a talent would be reluctant to behead.”
Xu Ying felt the same.
Emperor Zhou said: “We knocked back the demon and rode the divine boat to escape the pursuit. At that time, Master Jiang suddenly said that the demon was not afraid of the fairy fire, but wanted to force us into the fairy fire.”
Xu Ying raised his eyebrows. Jiang Qi was the Grand Master of Emperor Zhou and was extremely intelligent. He must have reason for making such a judgment.
“What is the purpose of forcing you into the fairy fire?”
Xu Ying thought about it and felt a little strange when he thought of those great businessmen who were burnt to ashes.
When all Qi refiners enter the other side, they will be burned by the immortal fire and have to close all their senses, seal all their acupoints, and concentrate on collecting medicine.
During the process of collecting herbs, they accumulated a large amount of immortal medicine in their bodies, but their cultivation was destroyed by the immortal fire. At this time, they were no different from ordinary people.
After they are burned into mortals, their death is not far away.
They will be burned to ashes by fairy fire.
Xu Ying looked at the fairy fire outside Yuxu Palace. At this time, there were many qigong masters from the Great Zhou Dynasty in the fairy fire. They did not go through the other side of the divine boat, but used other methods to get to the other side.
They came here alone to collect medicine, hoping to live forever.
They stood or sat, bathed in fairy fire, motionless.
“They are more like human-shaped elixirs,” Xu Ying whispered.
Emperor Zhou had a cold war.
Xu Ying thought of Zhu Chanchan and said, “When we rescued Zhu Chanchan, Zhu Chanchan also felt like she was facing a powerful enemy. She said that there would be demons who smelled her scent and came to eat her. We had to find the phoenix to save her life.”
Xu Ying thought of this matter again, and vaguely felt that he had grasped some extremely important clue, but he couldn’t think clearly for a while.
Why did Zhuchanchan say that the demon would come to eat her?
Why didn’t the demons attack when Emperor Zhou and others were in the immortal fire? Why do demons come to claim their lives when there is fairy fire?
“Could these Qi refiners collecting medicine be the medicine from the devil?” He murmured to himself.
/At this moment, I heard a voice, saying with a smile: “Whether the Qi Master who collected the medicine is the medicine grown by the devil, you only need to do one thing to find out.”
When Xu Ying heard this vo