
corner of Wang Xuan’s mouth again. Only then was he stabilized and his injuries did not continue to worsen.

After 21 years away from the super mythical world, he was glowing and completely recovered. Only then did he release the spaceship and awaken the saints.
He did not hide it and informed them of his injuries.
The ancestors were very concerned about him and were afraid that he would leave sequelae.
Wang Xuan shook his head. It was okay now. This made Jiang Yun, who was most worried, let out a sigh of relief.
Wang Zesheng said: “Let’s go to Source No. 1 and No. 2. That is our own base camp. Let us settle down for a period of time and improve our Taoism first.”
“I hope the true king there won’t be afraid of us. After all, we also walked out from there.”
/“Be cautious and don’t rush into that world all at once.”
In the previous battle, they actually encountered the worst situation and ended the journey with injuries and escape.
When facing the true king in the future, one cannot be too cautious.
At present, there are monsters under all the extraordinary sources, so it is safer for him to go alone.
When he becomes the true king, everything will be easy to talk about. In that case, he can go anywhere in the world!
“I haven’t been injured in many years. The real king is very difficult. Wait until I get to the next level.”
After Touma heard what he was talking about, he suddenly didn’t want to talk. Is this kid so wild now? They already want to touch the true king!
Wang Xuan traveled to the highest spiritual world and traveled across it for decades, finally approaching the familiar extraordinary central world.
“Stay stationed in deep space first, and go back in batches after a while.” This time, the saints were very cautious, even if they were about to return to their original base camp.
Wang Xuan set out silently and entered this world first.
In a place outside the world, Huaguo Mountain, the first-generation Beast King suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Wang Xuan standing in front of him, and his whole body was stunned.
“You also died three times?!” He was a little unbelievable. This kid could run away and be on par with him when he came back.
“Back then, I was almost at this point. This time it’s just a matter of course. It’s normal.” Wang Xuan said, and then asked him secretly, was there no change in the family?
“If anything happens, you’ve only been away for a hundred years or so.” The first-generation Beast King said. For him, such a short period of time was just a nap.
“Senior, I have found a group of friends for you this time. One of them is either your son or your apprentice. He should be close to you.”
“Who, which one?”
“We’ll talk about it later. I’ll go out for a walk first.” Wang Xuan, a foreigner, came out of seclusion and walked around the world again after a hundred years. However, many of his old friends in Huaguo Mountain were in seclusion.
He went to visit Chen Yongjie, Lao Zhong and others, and unexpectedly discovered that Aoki and Zhong Cheng were filming extraordinary ani