
the prompt that Yun Ling and Hun Tian received from a puppet in a dream late one night.

“Uncle, do you really want my aunt to become a saint hundreds of years later?” Li Xu asked.
“It will be better if we consolidate it further and the Yu Daoyuanchi will be fully mutated.” Wang Xuan nodded, and now he has calmly accepted this title. In fact, Li Lin no longer corrected her nephew.
In the quiet years, Wang Xuan practiced, understood the Dharma, and experienced a leisurely and beautiful life, extremely relaxed.
Until one late night, his hair stood on end, and he suddenly opened his eyes. He was awakened from the state of enlightenment, and immediately stepped into the deepest part of the fog and stood on the boat.
He came silently into the night sky and noticed something was wrong in the forest outside the Huaguoshan Dojo. A man with short white hair and a mysterious shadow in the thick fog looked at each other, and they met unexpectedly.
Wang Xuan’s heart sank, and the quiet and beautiful years were broken. Those monsters and ghosts either did not come, or came in pairs.
Although the blurry figure in the fog did not reveal its true identity, it definitely came from the wonder of Resurrection No. 3, and the flowing silk threads had a similar charm.
As for the white hair, he was no stranger to it. He had seen it at the end of the last era. It had frightened Wang Xuan and forced him to run away. In the Eternal Silence Era, he had no choice but to wander in the deep sky and travel all over the world alone.
The most irritating thing is that this short-haired white-haired man appears again with the same face as Wang Xuan when he transformed into the leader.
These two monsters actually met and confronted each other in a place outside the world!
/“Let’s fight, and the person’s head will be beaten into a dog’s head!” Deep in the fog, Wang Xuan really hoped that the two of them would fight to death. Anyway, neither of them were good friends, and both came with bad intentions.
There is no need to think about it. The man in the thick fog is most likely the giant who died. After the death of the black-haired monster, their leader tolerated it. Today, he finally entered the new mythical world.
In fact, Wang Xuan wants to know the origin of short white hair.
/He is no longer the strange person he was when he hurriedly escaped. He is qualified to enter and wants to find out the real background of the other party.
However, he was also frowning. Bai Mao was a lot more powerful than he thought. Sure enough, he was not a single six-break strongman, but an unknown power from the No. 1 local area?
“If you look at it this way, he didn’t have any ill intentions towards Shou, Ge and others. Otherwise, if he really had to take action, many people would have been in tragedy in the last century.” Wang Xuan thought in his mind, guessing that the short-haired white-haired man was just targeting him.
However, this white hair still made him feel disgusting. It really made him angry back then, as if he was being chased and bitten by a