
he fought against the people of the four great arenas. He angrily denounced Tianzhao, Feixie, Chen, and Mu as white-eyed wolves, and turned back on Kong Xuan, who rescued them from trouble. This incident caused a great uproar.

Wang Xuan killed them continuously from Area 27, and now he is even more unstoppable at the 8th level.
However, there were no opponents seen along the way and everyone fled. People in the Four Avenues moved away and traveled across regions to avoid him.
However, Chen, Mu, and Tianzhao disappeared. They disappeared after entering the Death Star Sea and disappeared completely. They are not currently participating in the bloody hunting.
Everyone was in awe. If these four people didn’t take action, their end would be shocking and extremely terrifying.
For this reason, many acquaintances contacted Wang Xuan and secretly reminded him that the extraordinary communicator was available and he could still be contacted.
“Tianzhao, morning, and evening, are not evil. It is indeed not simple. I have a strange method to master. Did you hypnotize yourself back then? It didn’t reveal the true roots. It escaped my intuition.” Wang Xuan said to himself.
At that time, he was far from Lupa. If it were now, no matter what strange scriptures the other party had mastered, with his current Lupa perception, he could see through the “reality” and see the essential light of the soul.
After all, now he could even see the wonders of the birthplace of the myth, some of the remains of the old saint, and the astonishing world of light. He even had a glimpse of the truth from the light source at the end of his own fog.
/“If you have malicious intentions and want to target me, then we wait for you to show up. We were once the ultimate aliens, and our twin bodies merged into one to be the ultimate limit breaker? So what!”
Wang Xuan has the confidence to say this. Even if he doesn’t use Lu Po’s true body, he still dares to fight the four powerful men.
Next, in the Heaven Level War Zone and the True Immortal War Zone, the battle became a little fierce. It was not Wang Xuan who brought it, and his opponents were all on the run.
Feiyue, Cheng Hai and others took action, each achieving the feat of killing hundreds of opponents in a row. In this case, they could exit at any time.
Mainly, Wang Xuan didn’t want anything to happen to them and reminded them to be prepared. After all, Mu and Chen were still very lethal. Apart from him, not only in this era, but also in another era, probably no one could check them.
The ultimate limit breaker is by no means as simple as casually speaking.
This kind of existence can shock many great eras alone. If we really want to be equal in realm, this kind of person is a bit incomprehensible!
Whether in the corrupt outer universe or in the extraordinary central world, the Ultimate Five Breakers are invincible.
/“Strange, you still didn’t show up?”
Even Fei Yue and Cheng Hai were surprised. They didn’t know Chen and Mu well, but they knew Tian Zhao and Fei Evil very well. Those two people