
rvana Tribulation breaks out, you hide in the past. If you can’t destroy the past, won’t you be able to survive the tribulation easily? However, this is just a wishful thinking! The Nirvana Tribulation will destroy every inch of time in the past, including those who are dead and not dead in the time. Destroy them all!”

This is the truly terrifying place of the Calamity of Nirvana, which leaves you with nowhere to hide or escape, and you must repay the cause and effect of the universe!
Even if you hide in the Sea of ??Chaos, as long as you appear in a place with time and space, the Calamity of Nirvana will still catch up with you and wipe you out!
“I see.”
Taoist Master Zuolian was stunned and suddenly said, “No wonder the Taoist Alliance created this kind of method to avoid disasters.”
He paused, then told the Tao Alliance’s methods of avoiding disasters, and said: “These methods are called Huizhao, which are methods to unify the past and future time, so that countless selves in the past and future can be unified, impeccable, and have no weaknesses. In time, You are the most powerful self at any point in time, and even the calamity of Nirvana cannot destroy you!”
When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn’t help but feel dejected. Was his Immortal Killing Sword finger broken like this?
The Killing Immortal Sword Finger is his means of unifying the four innate avenues of cause and effect, reincarnation, calamity, and destiny, and returning to the past to kill people!
This magical power is so powerful that it penetrates into the body of Luo Taoist, making it impossible for the Taoist to unlock it for 120 million years and can only be paralyzed.
Xu Ying couldn’t crack it himself. Later, Luo Taizong appeared and cracked this magical power. However, Luo Taizong only cracked it violently, not in a Taoist sense.
The real crack in the sense of Taoism is the method mentioned by Master Zuolian, Huizhao!
/It reflects the past and the future without any weaknesses in time and space!
“The Dao Alliance created Huizhao just to deal with the Nirvana Tribulation. They didn’t even think about breaking my magical power, but my magical power was broken.” Xu Ying was a little lost.
He originally thought that this was the most perfect magical power he had created, but unexpectedly, it was accidentally broken by the Taoist Alliance.
Taoist Master Zuolian said: “It is not difficult to cultivate Huizhao, Taoist Master can do it. It’s just that this method has not been spread yet.”
Xu Ying quickly asked: “How to practice?”
“With the avenue of reincarnation, we unify the past and future time and space, with the avenue of cause and effect, we restrain all cause and effect, and with the avenue of ether, we unify the past and the future.”
Master Zuolian explained it in detail. Xu Ying knew all these avenues well, but found that he could not practice them.
“Tao Master can cultivate it, but you are not a Tao Master yet, so you can’t cultivate it.” Tao Master Zuo Lian said.
Xu Ying had no choice but to give up the idea of ??practicing Hui