
is body is covered in red material, the man and gun merge into one, and the ship’s hull almost explodes after impact.

Fortunately, Zhao Qinghan handled it well and was as pretty as a flower. She was the most beautiful person today. Her smile was alluring under her wedding dress. Although many beauties came, such as Zhong Qing, Zhou Qinghuang, etc., they were all outshined by the bride.
/She held Wang Xuan’s arm and laughed softly: “Okay, cheer up. From now on, you will be responsible for immortality and beauty, and I will be responsible for making money to support the family.”
Listening to her witty words, Wang Xuan naturally couldn’t be perfunctory. He was full of energy, his extraordinary factors flowed, and he suddenly became energetic again.
He also forcibly took out some extraordinary factors from the nearly dry pool of life and injected it into Zhao Qinghan’s body to help her wash away her fatigue.
Of course, if you borrow something, you must repay it, and in the future it will be returned to the pool of life in red matter.
“Why don’t you look at the sky from time to time?” Zhao Qinghan whispered to him.
“I’m looking to see if there are any more guests coming.” Wang Xuan responded with a smile. In fact, he was looking forward to “Shang Yi”, why didn’t any of them come?
If an opponent really shows up to disrupt the situation, he doesn’t mind delaying the situation and deal with it all at once.
Nothing unexpected happened. Although too many people came, the wedding went smoothly, the guests enjoyed themselves, and the host smiled so much that his face went numb.
But there were clouds passing by, and light rain fell on the lawn. Although it was not big, it would still wet the clothes and other clothes.
A piece of red material rose up, and in an instant, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the sun shone brightly. Many people did not notice what was going on, but the major forces and organizations were all shocked inexplicably. It was the rich substance that Wang Xuan shot with a snap of his fingers. Caused by extraordinary energy!
At night, in the room, Zhao Qinghan was nourished by the extraordinary factors in the life pool, without any signs of fatigue. After bathing, she came out wearing cool pajamas. She was graceful and tall, with fair complexion, and she was still full of energy after a busy day.
“Tell me, if you live forever, will I be the temporary scenery on your road?” Although she is bright and charming, and usually calm, she has some emotional ups and downs now.
“If I live forever, you can go all the way and never leave!” Wang Xuan said.
“I don’t think so, we are getting married.” She smiled and massaged Wang Xuan’s head to help him relieve the fatigue of dealing with countless guests during the day.
“I’m not tired, let me massage you.” Wang Xuan grabbed her hand and turned around.
Spring sleep without dawn
The season of revival of all things makes people reluctant to get up. Zhao Qinghan, with black hair like a waterfall and fair and crystal complexion, lazily yawned and went