
eeves flicked, his sleeves were intertwined, his movement was in a circle, his moves were violently shaken, and suddenly the avenue of heaven and earth for hundreds of miles in radius was once again in chaos!

Nalandu originally rushed towards Wei Xu, but instead he rushed from above.
The two palms clashed, Xu Ying’s eyes widened, and he shouted loudly. The two people’s power exploded, and Nalandu spurted out another mouthful of blood. He felt that Xu Ying’s power shook, causing all the people in his Xiyi Domain to tremble. The realm almost collapsed.
What’s even more frightening is that Xu Ying’s power has invaded the treasure of Xiandao Yaochi. The mark on Xiandao Yaochi is constantly fading, and the power of Yaochi has a tendency to resist his control!
“This is a magic weapon given to me by Master, how can it not be under my control?”
Nalandu’s heart froze, and he remembered his master’s instructions that he must not sacrifice the Immortal Yaochi in front of Xu Ying. It seems that Master has foreseen it!
He gritted his teeth and rose into the sky again: “No matter what, I have to leave this place! We must not let the Immortal Yaochi fall into the hands of thieves!”
However, the avenues of heaven and earth were once again confused, the sky turned into the sea, and he flew towards Xu Ying again.
Nalandu felt desperate: “What kind of magical power is this? Master, Master”
He suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, Xu Ying’s palm had already come to him, and the two clashed again. The realms in Nalandu’s body were shaken to pieces, and the vitality was in chaos. They collided with each other, and the soul was also shocked and fell out of the bridge. , was almost beaten into a cripple!
Although Xu Ying was also crushed by his opponent’s magical power, thanks to the activity of Niwan Palace Cave Heaven, he was immortal and didn’t care if he was injured.
He made a prompt decision and reached out to grab Wanli Yaochi behind Nalandu, his heart pounding wildly!
“This is my Yaochi, a magic weapon made from the realm cut off from my body.”
He felt the vibration of Yaochi, and the feeling of being connected with his own flesh and blood emerged spontaneously. Even the boundless magic power and immortal enlightenment in Yaochi resonated with him!
/Xu Ying was about to grab Yaochi, when suddenly the ruins in the sky opened, and a huge eye appeared, staring at the beam of light, shining on Yaochi with a buzzing sound!
Yao Chi’s power was immediately fully aroused, and an unparalleled force exploded, flicking Xu Ying’s palm away, shocking him so much that he almost vomited blood.
Xu Ying immediately grabbed Nalandu’s throat and flew back to avoid the giant eye in the sky.
The giant eye in the sky swept towards him, and with a buzzing sound, the huge beam of light was about to evaporate him. Xu Ying grabbed Nalandu and blocked him directly in front of him.
The giant eye pillar suddenly paused.
“Hahaha, Xu Jun, long time no see!”
The water in the Wanli Yao Pond was turbulent and suddenly rolled up, t