
d and ethereal.

Magnificent holy places are dotted all over the place!
Xu Ying didn’t expect that the cosmic cemetery would be full of life.
“Fellow Daoist Xu, I will go in and kill a few enemies. You stay here.”
Emperor Tai dropped these words and strode into the cosmic cemetery.
“Who is this?”
A shout came, and suddenly the light of the sword lit up. Huge reincarnation rings were crisscrossed in all directions, and the light of the sword illuminated the cemetery!
“Emperor Zhongyue, come to take revenge!”
Xu Ying stood outside the cosmic cemetery and looked into the cemetery, but saw nine reincarnations moving in the cemetery. Suddenly, it seemed as if it collided with something, and it suddenly stopped, and the light shone brightly, sweeping in all directions!
/Xu Ying suddenly saw the debris of the universe shattering and evaporating in the cosmic cemetery, turning into a sky-high beam of light, piercing through the cosmic cemetery!
Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. The debris of the universe, an indestructible material full of decay and misfortune, could actually evolve into a strange energy!
The sea of ??chaos injected by the light pillar immediately exuded vitality!
“It’s not Hongmeng Ziqi, it’s a brand new power of the avenue, a primitive state of the avenue! This should be what Chaos Clock calls the ultimate sublimation!” Xu Ying’s heart was pounding.
Many new universes were born as a result, and the fate of the Sea of ??Chaos was postponed.
“This kind of Tao power means another kind of Tao! Is it the real Tao?”
Xu Ying was inexplicably excited. Suddenly, a figure from the Yuanshi Realm flew up from the cemetery. He was struck by the terrifying sword energy and rushed outwards at high speed!
The Yuanshi Realm being flew past Xu Ying in the distance, and its agitated aura even disturbed him, making him feel that the Houtian Avenue was under extremely heavy pressure, forcing him to mobilize all means to fight against it!
/Fortunately, the Yuanshi Realm creature was extremely fast. Xu Ying only resisted for a moment before he crashed into the sea of ??chaos!
The energy of chaos surged, and was even knocked into substance by this existence of the Yuanshi Realm, forming a mountain of chaos behind it!
The Yuanshi Realm being coughed up blood, finally regained his balance, and immediately started to rush towards the cosmic cemetery.
He noticed Xu Ying and showed a look of surprise. Xu Ying’s heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, a blade of light burst out from the neck of the Yuanshi realm being. As he ran, his head flew up!
“Tsk tsk tsk tsk!”
Streams of sword light erupted from his body, destroying his path. The headless corpse of the Yuanshi Realm was still running wildly. It only stopped running into the cosmic cemetery and fell to the ground!
At this moment, a ray of sword light flew from inside the cemetery and struck the ground in front of the corpse. It actually chopped the indestructible debris of the universe into pieces, causing the earth to fly up and crash down!