
eme scripture, she herself will be very happy.

The round-faced girl rushed out, like a white light colliding with Qi Chengdao, and with a bang, the cliff there exploded.
If her true body comes to the present world, it will naturally be much higher than Qi Chengdao. However, due to the ceiling, she can only pass through part of her soul and immortal life. The stronger the person, the more powerful the Old Testament will be.
Ming Xi, a beautiful and innocent woman who was originally standing with Qi Chengdao, now smiled and walked forward to face Wang Xuan.
/She was wearing a long moon-white dress, which was otherworldly and had an unworldly charm. She smiled lightly and said: “Brother Wang, I’m sorry, I have no objection to you. It’s just that when it comes to the road ahead, we will inevitably fight for enlightenment and enlightenment.” He needs to kill the flag of the gods, which is offended.”
Gu Mingxi came here gracefully, wearing a very classical, fairy-like moon-white dress, and her shoes and socks were also white, giving people an extremely pure and unearthly feeling.
In the real world, when a woman born like this walks on the street, the rate of turning heads is probably 100%. Her eyes are clear, her appearance is outstanding, and she is full of fairy spirit.
However, in Wang Xuan’s view, it was just like that. Although it was indeed beautiful and refined, with the charm of a fairy, so what? Just a rival.
Now all he can think about is how strong this woman who is destined to fight and has become his enemy is, and can she be killed?
He frowned. The extraordinary beings sent out from the big curtain at this stage all had their origins and their abilities were astonishing. They were easily broken-level creatures, which were very difficult to deal with and made him very uncomfortable.
“Please advise!” Gu Mingxi came over, spotless and clear, with an amazing smile. There was a hazy aura outside her body, which made her look even more extraordinary and extraordinary.
But because of this, she revealed her true strength. Super matter transpired, turned into white mist, and moved around her body. She is indeed a monk in the realm of Xiaoyaoyou, and her strength is astonishing.
The heavy armor on Wang Xuan’s body vibrated, emitting a metallic trembling sound and flowing with a cold luster. The black long knife in his hand was raised high, with murderous intent!
At this moment, a scorching and dazzling beam of light flew over, flew close to the side of Gu Mingxi’s body, and blew up a hilltop in the distance.
/Wang Xuan was surprised. He quickly turned around and another woman appeared. She was dressed in modern clothes, wearing a short white shirt and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses without lenses on her straight nose. She was quite beautiful and quiet, with a bookish air.
She is like a classical beauty with poetry and calligraphy in her belly. She is walking lightly from the ancient times and puts on modern clothes, which is slightly different.
However, she carried an energy cannon on her