
ebbed and flowed, and the aftermath acted on reality, blowing the monsters into chaos in the wind.

Lu Bei roared and punched with unparalleled violence, shattering one of the first-generation Demon Emperor’s arms.
With one successful blow, Lu Bei took advantage of the victory and pursued it. Afterimages of his fists, palms, fingers, and claws flew into the air, suppressing the will of the first-generation Demon Emperor and beating him like a sandbag. All attributes were crushed. At this time, the will of the first-generation Demon Emperor and the fox in the woodshed Three makes no difference.
Lu Bei clasped the first-generation Demon Emperor’s face with his five fingers, struck hard with his right fist, and punched through the chest. His momentum continued, penetrating the entire star formation through the air.
Under the shocked and numb gazes of the demons, the first generation demon emperor had no power to fight back and was allowed to be flattened and rounded by Lu Bei.
The black and white swimming fish spread, implicating the light of the stars, covering it with a layer of golden brilliance.
Lu Bei drew a circle with both hands, one hand clasped the face of the first generation Demon Emperor, and the other hand suppressed the shoulders and arms of the first generation Demon Emperor, using the method of the wheel seal of life and death to forcefully tear the strong will into two halves.
After this blow, Lu Bei’s legs felt a little weak. The magical power of the Great God’s Fate was so powerful that he could use the will blasting hammer of the first-generation Demon Emperor, but the mana consumed was also an astronomical figure.
/He didn’t know what the upper limit of this magical power was, but he could guess that the higher the opponent’s upper limit, the greater the mana consumed within thirty seconds.
I used to think that thirty seconds was too short and not enjoyable enough. Now it seems that thirty seconds is too long and fifteen seconds is just right.
boom! ! !
The stars exploded in shock, and a bright light stung Lu Bei’s eyes.
/He raised his five fingers and punched out hard, touching the scorching golden light, and his entire arm disappeared.
The speed and the intensity of the burning were beyond his expectations, and he didn’t even have time to react.
The first-generation Demon Emperor regained his will and stepped into the void, staring at Lu Bei with burning eyes. It was a very strange look in his eyes that was hard to describe. To put it bluntly, Lu Bei had this look when he first met his senior sister Bai Jin.
want to!
Aren’t you a pervert? Why are you so enthusiastic about the leader?
Lu Bei’s secret thought was outrageous. Without being invincible, he could not understand the loneliness of the first-generation Demon Emperor. The feeling of being cold at a high place and the emptiness had long been engraved in his bones, and even affected the remaining will in the portrait.
It is true that a mere picture of the Demon Emperor cannot contain the great power of the first generation Dem