
than any god and more than any contribution!

Even the ancestors of immortals, Taoists, and emperors cannot compare with his merits!
More importantly, if you have the merit of opening the sky, you will be blessed by Hongmeng Ziqi, and Hongmeng Dao will be self-evident before you realize it. If the merits of opening the heaven are complete, one can even attain the Taoism of Hongmeng and become the master of Hongmeng Taoism in one fell swoop!
Master Luo practices the Soul Dao. Although he has practiced other Taoisms after becoming the Soul Dao Master, he has never been able to comprehend the nine-level innate Dao.
This time, he was behind the death of Hua Dao Master. He clearly found out that Hua Dao Master was practicing in seclusion and fighting against the Chaos Oath, but he did not protect him. However, he sent the Taoist masters he saved to Qionghua Island to ambush him.
His goal is the Kaiyuan Divine Ax on Master Hua!
He was also present when Hong Tiangang deduced the origin of Kaitianshen Ax. Hong Tiangang said that the Kaiyuan Divine Ax lacked a great cause and effect that created the world. The speaker was unintentional but the listener was intentional. Taoist Luo kept this matter in mind.
Instead of saving Daoist Hua, he watched Daoist Hua die under the Chaos Oath in order to obtain the Kaiyuan Divine Axe.
This time they accidentally returned to the past, which also proved that this time was the opportunity for the Kaiyuan Divine Ax to repay the great cause and effect of the world.
As long as he can get this treasure, he can bypass all kinds of hard training and enlightenment and directly attain enlightenment!
I just didn’t expect that it would be all in vain!
Master Luo suddenly jumped up, jumped off the boat, accelerated his speed and headed straight for the place where Xu Ying and the Ancestral God created the world!
“No matter what happens today, I will grab the Kaiyuan Divine Ax in my hands! Even if I didn’t open the sky on the other side and create this land, I will destroy the other side, return to chaos, open up the heaven and earth, and perform all the ways! ”
He had a fierce look on his face. The gentle and elegant Luo Paralytic Man before had disappeared. He said viciously in his heart, “Maybe kill them two and take away their Hongmeng merits, and I will also become the Hongmeng Taoist Master!”
Boundless stars rushed towards him, galaxies roared towards him, and galaxies spun and flew past his feet.
Master Luo ran wildly. His legs that were previously paralyzed were now more flexible than ever before and he was running very fast.
It was as if all the roads that I had been unable to walk due to paralysis in this life were walked through at this moment.
“Catch them, kill them, and become the master of Hongmeng Taoism!”
His speed was getting faster and faster, and the infinite space flashed past. However, in his field of vision, Xu Ying and the Ancestral God were still so far away from him.
/The distance between them didn’t seem to get closer with his Sturm und Drang.
/Zong Qi and t