
n’t stand it anymore!”

The Holy Lord coughed up blood and was knocked away, shouting, “Ancestor, what are you doing?”
The distant ancestor turned a deaf ear, pondered over it, and followed the method taught by Xu Ying to summon Yuan Hai.
Suddenly, the underworld was violently turbulent, and the space rotated, twisted, and cracked. Yin Yuanzi suddenly felt an indescribable sense of oppression. A giant cave that was more than ten times larger than Tianyin Cave Abyss appeared in the underworld of the immortal world!
Yin Yuanzi couldn’t help but feel horrified: “In the three realms, there are existences at the tenth level of the Tao realm!”
/Yin Yuanzi was so frightened that he almost ran away, but he quickly came back to his senses: “No, this cave is indeed a cave at the tenth level of the Tao Realm, but the avenue inside is an ownerless thing. This great dragon cultivates on a different path! That being at the tenth level of the Dao Realm should be dead!”
He breathed a sigh of relief.
If a being at the tenth level of the Dao Realm comes, then ten of them will not be enough to defeat the opponent, and they will almost be killed in one move.
But now it seems that this being at the tenth level of the Dao Realm should have died long ago, leaving only this incredibly large cave. By chance, he was discovered by this powerful dragon and took it for himself.
“This dragon can’t even exert one percent of the power of this cave!”
He was relieved, but at the same time he was extremely puzzled, “How come there are ten-level caves and abyss in the Three Realms? Could it be that a ten-level existence of the Tao Realm was ever born here? If such a being was born, how could he die? Moreover, the Taoist magical powers of the Three Realms How can we be so backward?”
He was quite puzzled. If there was such a powerful existence in the Three Realms, when Cuiyan flew through this universe, because the opponent’s avenue structure was flush with Cuiyan’s avenue structure, Cuiyan would not exert any power and just fly through this universe. Go over there and find the next universe.
If the avenue structure of this universe is more advanced, the avenue structure on the green rock will be replaced. After returning to the other side, it will be taken away and studied by the strong people on the other side. It’s just that this situation has not been encountered yet.
Cuiyan directly destroyed the Three Realms without triggering the higher structure, leaving many mysteries behind.
The great dragon from the distant ancestor summoned Yuan Hai, and the Yuan Hai circulated, and the powerful Dao power poured down immediately, almost pouring into his body, making him feel that his cultivation strength had increased several times in an instant!
“Qi Gu”
The dragon’s roar shook, and the distant ancestor Great Dragon’s confidence surged, and he killed Yin Yuanzi at such a fast speed that he himself was startled.
Yin Yuanzi received his blow forcefully, and was shocked to the point where his energy and blood boiled. The two magical powers collid