
e ferry. Everyone stood at the ferry and looked at the other shore, each aware of the misfortune on the other shore.

Except for Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang, who have never understood the fate of disaster, everyone else has achieved success. After watching this, we can clearly see the misfortune on the other side.
“This time, Master and the other two great masters transferred the calamity from the other side to Zhaojie. They really just transferred it and did not eradicate the root cause.”
/Taishi watched for a moment, shook his head and said, “Although the disaster on the other side has faded a lot, it is still there.”
Li Xiao looked around and said: “And it is stronger than before and recovers faster! Next time, I am afraid that if I sacrifice a universe similar to Zhaojie, I will not be able to escape the disaster.”
The Holy Lord nodded and said: “At least three universes must be sacrificed to protect the other side.”
Waste Qingxuan said: “The calamity on the other side is indeed getting worse, but this time we noticed that there must be someone who escaped the calamity and has not been killed by the calamity, so the calamity on the other side has a tendency to resurgence.”
He observed more carefully than Li Xiao and others.
Changsun Shenghai said: “Bian’an wanted to pass on his own calamity by passing it on, but in fact he did not pass it on. The calamity has always been there, never disappeared, it was just postponed. The next time it breaks out, will Bian’an be able to resist it? In the past, it was very difficult to say.”
He observed more carefully.
Xu Ying’s eyes flashed and he said: “The next disaster will happen in three thousand years.”
Everyone was awestruck and looked at him one after another. When they were in the Sea of ??Chaos, everyone discovered that the one with the highest understanding of calamity among them was not Changsun Shenghai, but Xu Ying!
/Xu Ying has the most profound and profound Taoism!
And now, Xu Ying has revealed the time when the disaster broke out, and his achievement is above all of them!
Li Xiao stepped away and said with a smile: “Life is short, why worry about the future? Everyone, say goodbye!”
She walked far away, and suddenly remembered something, and her spiritual consciousness said: “Fellow Daoist Xu, you need to go to the Jade Realm and the Imperial Realm. The first two disasters on the other side were transferred there!”
Xu Ying was slightly startled and bowed to thank him.
Li Xiao chuckled and said, “If you didn’t have a gap in your heart, how could I tell you this? If you treat me well, I will repay you!”
Changsun Shenghai, Taishi and others also left one after another. Xu Ying took Shengzun, Qingxuan and others back to Taiyimen. Along the way, he saw that the other side had become much more depressed and no longer as prosperous as before.
If it were in the past, you could often see the saints from the other side studying everywhere, going to various Taoist scenes and delving into the mysteries of the Taoist scenes. You can also see the saints on