
said: “Yes, once the new immortal way is promoted, the cave abyss we control will no longer be a resource that everyone can hope for. Without resources, who will recognize you as an immortal official? Who will recognize you as an immortal official?” Immortal Emperor?”

As soon as he said this, everyone was silent.
The reason why Immortal Court can still rule the world is because the resources are fixed. There are so many caves and abyss in the hands of Immortal Court.
No matter how talented and understanding a new immortal is, if he has no resources, he is just a small immortal who can be easily crushed to death.
As long as you master Dongyuan, Dongyuan can be passed on to your sons and grandchildren. There is no end to your descendants. There is no need to worry about the success of Mudlegs’ rebellion.
But Shinsendo is different.
The New Immortal Way actually requires the inner abyss to be cultivated in the body during the Qi Refiner period, suddenly making the abyss controlled by the Immortal Court less rare, making it possible for everyone to rebel!
The host of the ceremony, the Emperor, said: “Moreover, if you don’t follow others’ cultivation of new ways, their cultivation will soon surpass yours! You are still an emperor? You don’t even have the strength to hit people. Who will recognize you?”
The Emperor of the Five Prisons said, “Our emperor is from a rebel background. I originally thought that his father and son would be the most loyal ministers of the dynasty after they put down the Tianzun Rebellion and the Changsheng Emperor Rebellion. I didn’t expect that he would make a big rebellion! His His rebellion has been slapped in Immortal Emperor’s face! Not only does he want to rebel against Immortal Emperor, he also wants to rebel against us, leaving us with no food to eat!”
Beiluo Master Xiao Dijun couldn’t help but said: “Brothers, the spread of new Taoism is always a good thing.”
All the emperors looked at them coldly, and Emperor Wenchang sneered: “Emperor Xiao, what do you mean by this? Which side are you on? Don’t forget that you are also an emperor, your butt is crooked!”
/The other emperors also sneered: “You don’t even know your butt is crooked! Be careful when you walk and your feet are sprained!”
Xiao Dijun looked back at his butt and thought to himself: “My butt is really crooked? This skin has been worn for a long time and it doesn’t fit well.”
He glanced at Wu Yu, Wenchang, Zhong Yi, Leli and other emperors, and thought to himself: “These stinkers are pretty good. In this battle between Xu Ying and Ming Zun, maybe I can take the opportunity to harvest these people.”
At this time, suddenly the rays of light filled the sky, shining brightly on the sea surface, and the sound of Taoism lingered, and it was suddenly beautiful.
Just as he was listening, someone yelled, and his body exploded. In his body, red, green, and purple flowers, and flesh and blood intestines grew randomly like tentacles. The flowers were clustered in clusters, which was really enchanting.
“The profound